It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint: Strength Training

The journey to improving stamina and enhancing cardiovascular health involves various aspects of exercise and lifestyle changes. While aerobic activities undoubtedly play a crucial role, strength training is another essential puzzle. Building strength through weight training or bodyweight exercises can significantly improve stamina by enabling your muscles to endure activity for more extended periods.

When we think about strength training, we might envision bodybuilders and weightlifters, but the truth is, it’s beneficial for everyone. Strength training is about much more than bulking up; it’s about developing your body’s ability to meet the demands of daily life, physical activities, and prolonged exercise.

Consider a cyclist who begins to incorporate strength training into her routine. She can generate more force on the pedals without tiring them.

A wealth of scientific evidence supports the benefits of strength training for stamina. A research article published in the “Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research” indicates that strength training can improve endurance performance without negatively affecting VO2 max, a measure of aerobic fitness.

Remember that improving stamina isn’t a race against the clock. “It’s a marathon, not a sprint,” says Sarah Walls, a personal trainer and SAPT Strength & Performance Training, Inc owner. It’s essential to gradually increase the intensity of your strength training to avoid injury, ensuring you’re listening to your body and providing it with adequate rest and recovery.

Strength training doesn’t have to mean lifting heavy weights at a gym. Bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, lunges, and planks can also help build strength. For example, a regular yoga practice, which includes many strength-building poses, has been shown in a study published in the “Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research” to improve muscle strength, endurance, and flexibility.

Your approach to strength training should align with your fitness level and goals. Beginners might start with bodyweight exercises or light weights, focusing on proper form and control. Over time, as strength and endurance improve, the challenge can be increased by adding more reps, sets, or weights.

Incorporating strength training into your fitness routine can improve stamina and overall health. As a bonus, stronger muscles contribute to better balance and stability, reducing the risk of falls and injuries and promoting a healthier, more active lifestyle.

Let’s invite dialogue on the subject of strength training. Are you currently incorporating strength training into your routine, and if so, how has it impacted your stamina and endurance? If you’re new to strength training, what concerns or questions might you have? As always, it’s insightful to learn from each other’s experiences. What’s your strength training routine like, and how has it improved your stamina?



