Author: rainleander

  • Error Establishing A Database Connection

    There have been SO MANY THINGS WRONG with this site that when I flipped over here and there was an error message I almost LOST MY MIND. No, but seriously. Except not. And while I would love to regale you with tales of interest and suspense and intrigue, the truth is that I reset a…

  • Are You Digital Or Analog?

    On the one hand, yes, of course I CODE, therefore, I must be all digital all the time, right? But, no, I love my moleskine everything – okay, just an agenda and a notebook. But, still. Totally analog. I love the feel of WRITING notes with a pen and paper and then referring to those…

  • Do I Hear TWO?!?

    Yesterday I took a day off and that’s just fine cause #whynot but today I was back on. And not only was I back on, but it was Father’s Day today and so a couple of weeks ago I picked out a present “from the twins” and went shopping with PROS.alpha and today *GASP* let…

  • Can I Have One Day Off?

    Cause I just want to go to bed. So. G’night.

  • Last Time I Went For An Eye Exam, I Was Pregnant

    I’ve been getting headaches lately and yesterday it was so bad that I threw up. Literally. In the shower. Having taken meds. I sometimes just sit in the shower to self soothe. Infinite hot water works for what ails you. The medicine finally kicked in (after puking, shower, more meds, and sleep) but now I’m…

  • Now That We’re Writing Every Day

    Do we stop? Write when the urge takes us? Edit for content? Get more consistent on the publishing quality? No. Even though I’ve been writing every single day for over a month… I would link to the original post, sometime in early May, but it’s in that sweet spot of posts that were wiped when…

  • So I Was Going To Go To Bed Early

    But. P put on The Dark Tower and it’s ninety five minutes and I’m gonna see every second of it. … .. . #DAMNIT

  • Put On Your Shoes

    So there’s this song, see. For toddlers. About getting ready and going outside. And PROS.alpha likes it. A lot. I’ll let you go ahead and imagine how many times we’ve seen it, but first, of course, because I love, I’m gonna go ahead and share it with you. CAUSE I LOVE Guess how many times…

  • Woke. Up. Sore. As. Fuuuuuuuu

    This morning, first of all, I woke up at FOUR FORTY FIVE because of birds singing the songs of their people. Jerks. And second of all, if you’d like to see what it looks like to sprint up to and then BOOGIE ACROSS THE FINISH LINE…

  • Ran. The. Whole. Way.

    I do not consider myself a runner. That is not one of my labels. But. Sometimes I run. First, let’s clearly define ‘run’. “move at a speed faster than a walk, never having both or all the feet on the ground at the same time” Now, there are tons of people who WALK faster than…

  • Oh, And I’m A Mentor, Too

    In rebranding the site, and especially over the last few days, I’ve been looking for the word for one who has PTSD. And depression. And occasional suicidal ideation. If you search for ‘patient’ on and click on ‘person being treated for a medical problem, you get all kinds of helpful suggestions that DO NOT…

  • Maybe I’m Not Listening To My Introvert Self Enough

    I’m tired. Well and truly exhausted, actually. I got enough sleep last night. And managed to work a bit this morning, although nothing to brag about. And then I gave an Elevator Pitch workshop via Toastmasters Groningen and Connect International. That sounds WAY more impressive than it feels upon reflection. Have I mentioned how tired…