Category: Fierce Creature

  • Happy Birthday Twins

    I am so so SO thankful you’re turning four because we have NOT done much for your birthday – unlike your older brother’s birthday back in October – it’s just been a LOT. First of all, there’s Thanksgiving – which will always be at some point at the end of November, just before your birthday.…

  • Our STUFF Is HERE! (Almost!)

    We officially sold our Dutch house back in mid-July but our stuff was removed from our house the first week of August but our flight to America was 07 August but our American house closing was 29 August but we moved into it a week later but all our stuff has been making its way…

  • Sometimes You Need a Reset

    [COVID Day Five Hundred Something] I mean, there are some amazing reasons behind writing every single day. Even if every day isn’t a brilliant omg I can’t believe you said that day. And then there are reasons to, well, NOT. Moving across the pond – that’s a solid reason for not writing every single day.…

  • Is It Monday Yet?

    [COVID Day Five Hundred Seventy Three] As terribly excited as I am to start strength training and such on Monday at 0500 I am also absolutely NOT wanting to start strength training on Monday at 0500. Cause 0500. And strength training. Also, what am I going to have time to inhale before running to the…

  • Insert Montage Here

    [COVID Day Five Hundred Seventy Two] This is one of those moments where I wish I could push the fast forward button to do the montage of me training and eating healthy and being miserable initially but by the end being stronger and leaner and not necessarily enjoying it by the end, but struggling less.…

  • And Why Are We In This Hand Basket?

    [COVID Day Five Hundred Seventy One] There are a ton of things going on these days, but I’m mostly focused on those super high cholesterol and triglyceride numbers. Obsessed, even. Healthy obsession, I promise. When you’re going on a trip, it’s important to understand where you’re starting, where you’re going, and how you’re getting there.…

  • The Ten Day Work Trip

    [COVID Day Five Hundred Seventy] I finally packed. The day of the flight. And I made the flight. And flying domestically within the United States is every bit as scary as I thought it’d be – no vaccine verification, no COVID test verification, just wear a mask, pack into the overbooked plane and hope you…

  • Have You Packed Yet?

    It’s fascinating to me how when I’m procrastinating doing one thing, I will do SO MANY OTHER THINGS. That I have been procrastinating.

  • Escape Room: Davy Jones’ Locker

    [COVID Day Five Hundred Sixty Eight] I did the second! Ever! Escape! Room! Stream! From AMERICA! Tonight! I’m just as excited as you are. #TOTALLY A 90 min escape room in a box. This is an interactive box with various puzzles, which have to be solved one after the other to open the box. In…

  • Still Coughing

    [COVID Day Five Hundred Sixty Five] That’s it. That’s the whole post.

  • Wait, what?

    [COVID Day Five Hundred Sixty Four] Last night as I was falling asleep, I was coughing, like ya do, and instead of chilling out as I fell asleep, it just kept getting worse. Until I threw up. A lot. “Ah, okay, sicker then I thought.” #Noted Except now I’m working in America where you cannot…

  • You’ve Been BOO-ED!

    [COVID Day Five Hundred Sixty Two] This is one of the very first oh so American activities I totally signed First Minion up for as soon as the sign up sheet went round – during the month of October, kids in each grade get a surprise Halloween bucket full of treats – and since I…