Tag: pygrunn

  • So I spoke at PyGrunn

    And I just now found the video which has been up since June 2 this year by looking for “K Rain Leander” results via images.google.com. If I search for the same phrase on google.com it doesn’t show on the first page, which is not ideal. I’m so bored with those previous sentences that I fell…

  • TL;DR Summaries of Leveraging Procedural Knowledge

    I know I know yesterday’s post was LONG. You can skip through the slides quickly, but they’re a bit confusing because I don’t really know how to use slides (YET!) and just post highlights there – clues to keep me informed about what comes next rather than my speech verbatim. Better yet, you can read…

  • My PyGrunn 2015 Tech Talk – Leveraging Procedural Knowledge

    PyGrunn 2015 Slides Leveraging Procedural Knowledge ONE Hello. I’m Rain. I encourage you to send your comments, feedback, and snide remarks to my twitter handle @rainsdance during the course of this presentation. I am a Technical Account Manager with Red Hat and I know a lot about a few specific technologies, I am a django…