The Calm Before The Storm

[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Seventy Eight]

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Tomorrow afternoon we finish selling our house here in Haren Groningen the Netherlands.

The next four weeks are going to feel completely surreal.

And it’s already started.

But first the news:

This weekend, though, is NOT the day we’re selling the house – this weekend is the calm before the storm.

Photo by Joy Stamp on Unsplash

I’ve spent it getting better – letting the cold symptoms run their course. Thankful that the twins are mostly better. Boy Twin returns to daycare tomorrow. Girl Twin returns if she doesn’t cough the rest of today.

We’re officially in summer vacation so we don’t have to wake up by a certain hour to get out the door by a certain hour to get First Minion to school by a certain hour. No more teachers, no more books, no more lunches or snacks or homework.

A dumpster arrives tomorrow.

A big one.

And the piles around the house get a bit clearer as the ones designated for, well, the dumpster leave the house.

We’ve still got quite a few things left to give away – a queen bed frame, a futon bed frame that folds into a couch, plates and glasses and cutlery and mugs, and zomg so many electronic wires of unknown origin and durability.

The next four weeks seem absolutely overwhelming.

Utterly daunting.

But I’m being compassionate with myself. And going for walks. And playing in the garden. And letting work be a delightful distraction. And cuddling Minions. And putting myself first. And taking it one step at a time.

Next step: sell the Haren house.

After that is just details.



