Dutch Lock Down Day Thirty Five

Alternative Title: “Don’t See My Butt”

That’s what First Minion just said to me.

Don’t look at his butt.

I’ve got news for you, Little.

I gave birth to that butt.

Butt first the news:

I mean, sure, I could be CHEEKY, BUTT that would be SHITTY and I don’t wanna be an ASSHOLE; #DoYaSmellWhatImSteppinIn

Today was better than yesterday which was better than the day before which was better that Tuesday and Monday, but this week, the academy award goes to Wednesday. I had a conference call with amazing friends, survived calls with doctors, and started the path back to full time work.

The best part about ‘full time work’ in today’s reality, though, is that it’s within a safe and supportive environment which might not have been as understanding if there weren’t a pandemic in the world and kids in the house.

I could be wrong.

But I feel like the bar to full time is a lot lower than if, say, full time were forty hours per week. Now full time is get as much work done within the context of also taking care of three children and your own wellness – if that’s forty hours, great, but if it’s not, that’s also great and communicate what’s getting done and what’s not.

Having those conversations with my boss, the company doctor, my therapist, and human resources were necessary for my brain to calm the fuck down and actually digest that message.

“Do the best you can. Let your boss / team / family / friends know what’s getting done and when you need help. Let the rest go. Breathe.”

~ Literally Everyone

And, yeah, I realize I am talking about butts in the same article where I’m talking about work, but (HA!) this is what’s going on these days.

It’s all shit so we have to focus on the bits of grace.

Sadly, I think when it goes back to mostly grace, we’ll focus on the bits of shit.


Let’s see what happens when it happens, eh?



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