The Art of Resilience: Seek Professional Help

In the journey towards mental resilience and overall well-being, there may come a point when stress, anxiety, or depression become too overwhelming to manage alone. During such times, seeking help from a mental health professional can be crucial. These experts can equip you with the necessary tools to navigate these feelings and build a resilient mindset.

When physically unwell, we generally don’t hesitate to seek medical attention. Yet, there is often reluctance when it comes to our mental health. It could be due to social stigma, misconceptions about mental health, or a belief that we should be able to handle our problems ourselves. But just as we would for a physical ailment, getting professional help is essential when our mental and emotional health is compromised.

Mental health professionals – including psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, and counselors – are trained to understand the complexities of the human mind. They can provide different forms of therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), or psychotherapy, tailored to an individual’s needs. 

The research underscores the value of these interventions. For instance, a study published in the “Journal of Affective Disorders” in 2018 concluded that CBT significantly reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression. It does so by helping individuals understand their thought patterns and develop healthier coping strategies.

Psychotherapist and author Lori Gottlieb encapsulates the transformative power of therapy in her 2019 book “Maybe You Should Talk to Someone.” Gottlieb illustrates, through her own experience and her clients’ stories, how therapy can lead to breakthroughs, new insights, and improved emotional resilience.

Moreover, mental health professionals can provide an impartial perspective, helping you to see things from a new angle. They can also provide a safe, confidential space to express your feelings without judgment, which can be therapeutic.

Medication might also be an option for some people, depending on the severity of their symptoms. Psychiatrists, medical doctors specializing in mental health, can prescribe medications if required. Medication can often help individuals manage their symptoms more effectively, combined with therapy.

When stress, anxiety, or depression become overwhelming, remember that seeking help from a mental health professional is a sign of strength, not weakness. By doing so, you are taking control of your mental health and taking a crucial step toward building a resilient mindset.

What has your experience been in seeking professional help for mental health issues? If you still need to, what factors are holding you back? Let’s break down the barriers and discuss our experiences openly. Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.


