[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Seventy]
Now that it’s stuck in your head, here’s the video:
You’re welcome.
But first the news:
- Ministers meet to discuss shop closures, possible New Year curfew
- Dutch PM to address the nation on Covid developments tonight
- Surge in flight tickets around Christmas, despite negative travel advice
But seriously, what do you really want this holiday season?

The Sony Playstation 5
This next generation console from Sony is so totally sold out everywhere and while you can pre-order it online, it won’t ship until around February. Since I didn’t get on the bandwagon and pre-order it back in JULY, this is the only option available. No, check that, it’s not even available for delivery in February anymore:
“The PlayStation 5 is sold out. We don’t know yet when we’ll receive new stock to sell and how much stock we’ll receive. Calling our Customer Service and stores or bringing us cookies won’t help either. Our colleagues there can’t tell you any more than what is already stated above. They can’t place an order for you either.”
A Dance Plan
I am going to take classes again. Online. In my office. With tile flooring. In a 1.5 x 2 metre space. It’ll be EPIC. And I’ve already put together a few options for warm up and adult ballet classes, but I want to kind of map out how often I’ll be taking dance classes around the strength training / cardio / yoga work I already do.
And knee pads. I need new knee pads.
A Clean House
We have someone come over to help us out once a week, but we’re well overdue for a spring cleaning. Also, we’re under construction so there are entire sections of the house which are completely empty and other bits of the house which are storage. It’s really stressful. I started to look into bringing a cleaner for an overhaul, but realized we can’t even do that these days because…
The Netherlands is going on full lockdown again as of tonight, midnight. Everything closed except grocery stores, pharmacies, and banks. I’m completely freaking out now. I am not a full time parent. I’m not even a part time parent. I’m a horrible parent who needs to work full time and I did so very poorly the last time we were on full lockdown. I’m going to go for a walk now because it’s the most compassionate and kind thing I can do for myself right now.