Author: rainleander
World’s Longest Hangover Or …?
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Eighty Five] I’ve been taking meds for days now, fighting off headaches left and right – could be the vodka and wine from Christmas. Could be stress. Could be the full time parenting. I sound like a broken record, eh? But first the news: Coronavirus cases down by 12%…
Little Crash Again Today
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Eighty Four] I think it’s stress? Or darkness and cold and weather? Or full time parenting? But first the news: 11 cases of infectious British Covid strain identified in the Netherlands Confidence in Dutch king falls below 50% after 2020 Covid gaffes Dutch population will continue to grow in…
Oh, THAT’S Why I Don’t Drink
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Eighty Three] I split a lovely bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon with a dear friend of mine (Hi, S!) for Christmas dinner and I think I’m only just now returning to normal functions. As much as can be expected with the entire family about for the holidays. I’m still figuring…
The Mysterious Museum
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Eighty Two] Sometimes you do a live stream and just embed the video into the blog post and call it a night. Nine. More. Days.
Jingle All The Way
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Eighty One] I’m up SO FAR past my bedtime, so I’m keepin’ this one quick. #ItsNotVodka But first the news: (Update) Negative test result mandatory for most travellers to NL “You are indispensable”: King calls for compassion, forgiveness in “tough” 2020 New coronavirus infections stays above 11,500; Another 317…
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Eighty] Finished wrapping presents this morning. Placed everything in its place. Bought the ingredients for the three dishes I’m making for tomorrow night’s dinner. We opened stockings tonight and tomorrow morning we’ll attack the big presents – this wasn’t in the plans, but COVID shifted things a bit. Want…
An Eentsy Beentsy Teeny Weenie Tiny Little Crash
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Seventy Nine] They happen more often over the holiday season. So it’s not a surprise. But it still… well… sucks. But first the news: Pressure on hospital beds leads to 40% of operations being postponed Dutch hospitals facing shortages of Covid-19 rapid tests Weekly coronavirus update: 82.340 new cases,…
Dear Future Christmas Rain
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Seventy Eight] Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas, but to do so, remember just a few points that I’m going to write down now and set a future alarm to read this again in October 2021. Cause DAMN this last minute wrapping is BULLSHIT. But first the news: UPDATE:…
What a Rain Wants, What a Rain Needs
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Seventy Seven] I am basically shite if my day isn’t planned down to the fifteen minute increment. Which, by the way, does NOT happen often when there are children involved. Shockingly. It means that the weekends are rougher because the kids are around the whole day and I don’t…
Only Counts In Horseshoes And Hand Grenades
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Seventy Six] ALMOST is one of those words that I really despise and also can’t help using. This morning I ALMOST stayed in bed all day – at nine this morning, when my partner and I have an agreement – that we’ll get downstairs by nine when it’s our…
The! Forbidden! Castle! Escape! Room! Game!
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Seventy Five] Hello. My name is Rain. And I’m addicted to exclamation points. IN CASE YOU HADN’T NOTICED!! ! But first the news: 12,028 new Covid-19 cases pushes weekly average to nearly 10,500, a new record Network usage increases since the start of the new lockdown Coronavirus leads to…
On The First Day of Vacation, My True Love Gave to Me
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Seventy Four] A super decadent chocolate brownie with cream cheese icing. #HeKnowsMe I’m on vacation until 04 January, so this whole Twelve Days of Christmas theme won’t last, but it’s on my mind Right Now as Boy Twin fusses from his room, resisting this whole sleep thing because he…