Author: rainleander
Ready? Set? GO!! !
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Seventy Three] Today is marvelously delightfully exquisitely the last day of work for 2020. And it’s not so much that I’m Not Working as much as holy shit this dumpster fire year is almost over. Nothing is magically solved at midnight on 01 January 2021, BUT there’s a certain…
How Is It Only Wednesday?!?
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Seventy Two] Yes, I’m totally writing this from the future – it’s actually THURSDAY but I forgot to write yesterday and so I’m writing TWO posts in ONE day and it’s absolutely SHITE. Well, no, not really, but it IS a LOT. But first the news: Travel organisations scrap…
Full Lock Down in the Netherlands
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Seventy One] I was not okay. And then I was okay. And then I had a panic attack. And I’m okay again. For now. But first the news: Coronavirus in the Netherlands: some of your questions answered Coronavirus rolling average rises again despite incomplete data The wait is over:…
All I Want For Xmas Is You
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Seventy] Now that it’s stuck in your head, here’s the video: You’re welcome. But first the news: Ministers meet to discuss shop closures, possible New Year curfew Dutch PM to address the nation on Covid developments tonight Surge in flight tickets around Christmas, despite negative travel advice But seriously,…
Technically, I’m An Adult
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Sixty Nine] But one of my life joys is gaming. Especially escape rooms. Every Saturday night. Live with friends. But first the news: New coronavirus infections near 10,000 as ministers discuss new measures Emergency coronavirus meeting currently taking place at Catshuis Police break up illegal parties in Noord-Brabant and…
Let’s Keep It Low Key, Shall We?
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Sixty Eight] First Minion: “Can I have some chips please?” Boy Twin: “Chips!” Papa: “Go get the chips and a bowl and bring them here.” Boy Twin and First Minion race to get the chips – Boy Twin wins, bringing the chips back to Papa first. Papa: “Go get…
Current Mood: Hopeful
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Sixty Seven] Weird, right? But first the news: Postive coronavirus cases continue to go up, hospital admissions rise slightly Schiphol, KLM begin preparations to transport & store Covid vaccines Plans to vaccinate majority of Dutch population by June 2021
Brr It’s Cold In Here
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Sixty Six] Yesterday it was three degrees. Today it’s one. ONE. And it FEELS even colder. But first the news: New coronavirus infections spike at nearly 8,800, well above weekly average Non-EU citizens must present negative Covid tests at Dutch borders from Tuesday Coronavirus Christmas bonus for supermarket workers…
Reminder: This Is A Safe Space
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Sixty Five] I haven’t streamed on Wednesday mornings in four weeks. Maybe more. And I just realized it might be because of a tweet I took rather personally even though it wasn’t meant personally or maliciously whatsoever nor even meant as a slight against me. But I totally took…
And We’re Caught Up!
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Sixty Four] That’s it. That’s the whole post. But first the news: One third of healthcare worker union members won’t get Covid vaccine 65 fines handed out to face mask violators during the law’s first week Weekly coronavirus update: 43.103 new cases, 338 deaths No, really. That’s the whole…
You Know You Have A Problem When
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Sixty Three] As I mentioned, I picked out advent calendars for the whole family gifted on SinterKlaas. While I was shopping, I ran across an advent calendar escape room. Hello, my name is Rain, and I play escape rooms. But first the news: Coronavirus cases pass 7,000 for first…
QnA with Rain: Leander Xmas
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Sixty Two] Friend: “How do you all celebrate the 24th / 25th – is one more important than the other, I mean, culturally? Cause of Sweden? Or America? Or …?” Me: “The Swedes celebrate on the 24th while the Americans celebrate more on the 25th and at our house,…