Category: Dancing Engineer

  • Making It Up As I Go Along

    P is super sick today, I’m working from downstairs AGAIN because connectivity is absolute ASS at our new house, and I’m officially off of sick leave / maternity ramp up. No big deal. Okay, but seriously, can we take a second to celebrate that? OMG I’M FINALLY ONE HUNDRED PERCENT AT WORK AGAIN IT’S BEEN…

  • Error Establishing A Database Connection

    There have been SO MANY THINGS WRONG with this site that when I flipped over here and there was an error message I almost LOST MY MIND. No, but seriously. Except not. And while I would love to regale you with tales of interest and suspense and intrigue, the truth is that I reset a…

  • Are You Digital Or Analog?

    On the one hand, yes, of course I CODE, therefore, I must be all digital all the time, right? But, no, I love my moleskine everything – okay, just an agenda and a notebook. But, still. Totally analog. I love the feel of WRITING notes with a pen and paper and then referring to those…

  • Can I Have One Day Off?

    Cause I just want to go to bed. So. G’night.

  • Now That We’re Writing Every Day

    Do we stop? Write when the urge takes us? Edit for content? Get more consistent on the publishing quality? No. Even though I’ve been writing every single day for over a month… I would link to the original post, sometime in early May, but it’s in that sweet spot of posts that were wiped when…

  • This Space Intentionally Left Blank

    TRIGGER WARNING This article or section, or pages it links to, contains information about sexual assault and/or violence which may be triggering to survivors. I’m staring at a blank page. With a blank mind. Knowing that it’s time to write. Time to express. Time to vent. And nothing’s coming. Just write. SOMETHING. The part that…

  • How Was The Appointment?

    TRIGGER WARNING This article or section, or pages it links to, contains information about sexual assault and/or violence which may be triggering to survivors. Doctor visit went fine. I was trying to speak in Dutch cause I didn’t want to have the English / Dutch talk again. The talk where I explain in Dutch that…

  • Yes, I Finally Called The Doctor

    TRIGGER WARNING This article or section, or pages it links to, contains information about sexual assault and/or violence which may be triggering to survivors. I have an appointment for tomorrow morning at 0830. But, also, I need to go pick up the prescription refill. One of the things, one of the PROBLEMS, with moving and…

  • Yes, I Totally Forgot To Call The Doctor Today

    You can only call to make appointments between eight and noon. And I missed. So I’ll call tomorrow. With C’s help. I hope. UGH.

  • Yes, I’ll Call The Doctor Tomorrow

    TRIGGER WARNING This article or section, or pages it links to, contains information about sexual assault and/or violence which may be triggering to survivors. The doorbell rang. It was a solicitor. Asking for funds for albino children in Zimbabwe. And when I pointed out how we didn’t have extra funds until the fall when our…

  • All’s Quiet On The Home Front

    On the weekends we don’t have daycare and there three Littles and so P and I don’t so much consider it down time as SURVIVAL. Like ya do. Therefore there won’t be any old restored posts or quality daily posts except something best called mediocre. Cause it is.

  • What We’ve Learned So Far

    As I’ve been rebuilding this site. In case you hadn’t noticed. I have. Cause of the hack. And this is what I’ve learned so far… Backups Aren’t Necessary UNTIL THEY ARE If I had been maintaining regular backups (which the hosting company is totally happy to do for just a few euros more per month),…