Category: Student

  • Using to Figure Out What to Sell in Your Online Store

    If you’re running an online store, figuring out what products to sell can be a daunting task. After all, there are so many different products and niches out there that it can be hard to know where to start. Fortunately, there is a powerful tool that can help you narrow down your options and find…

  • Web Traffic Equals Money: How Driving Traffic to Your Website Can Boost Your Revenue

    In today’s digital age, having a website is a must for any business or organization that wants to stay competitive. However, simply having a website is not enough. To truly leverage the power of the internet and boost your revenue, you need to drive web traffic to your site. Here’s why: More web traffic equals…

  • Note Takers are Money Makers: Why Taking Notes Can Boost Your Productivity and Earnings

    Have you ever attended a meeting or a conference and left feeling overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information you received? Or perhaps you’ve struggled to remember an important detail from a conversation with a colleague or client? These situations are all too common in our fast-paced, information-rich world. However, there is a simple solution…

  • The Sphero Mini: A Programmable Robotic Ball for Hours of Fun

    I was given a Sphero Mini as a speaker’s gift for I forget which conference years ago and it has sat on my shelf ever since. Naturally, I did what any programmer does these days and asked ChatGPT what I should do with it. If you’re looking for a toy that’s both fun and educational,…

  • 102 Values to Start Your List

    Yesterday I recommended you write a list of values to find your north star; here’s a list to get you started.

  • Broke Millennial: A Refreshing Take on Personal Finance

    We will discuss this book on 25 April 2023 via the Online Personal Finance Group, if you’re keen to join. You do not need to have read the book to join the discussion but it is strongly encouraged. Erin Lowry’s book, “Broke Millennial,” is a refreshing take on personal finance for young adults. The book…

  • Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life: A Review of “Mindset” by Dr. Carol Dweck

    “Mindset” by Dr. Carol S. Dweck is a thought-provoking book that explores the power of having a growth mindset. In the book, Dweck argues that our mindset – the way we view our abilities and talents – has a significant impact on our personal and professional success. The book is divided into two parts. The…

  • Inspiring the World: A Path to Becoming a TED Speaker

    Becoming a TED speaker is a dream for many people who want to share their ideas with the world. TED talks have become famous for their ability to inspire, inform and entertain audiences from around the globe. If you’re interested in becoming a TED speaker, there are some steps you can take to increase your…

  • Breaking Down Suze Orman’s Guide to Financial Independence

    Suze Orman’s book “The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom” is a comprehensive guide to achieving financial security and independence. The book was first published in 1997, and since then has become a classic in the personal finance genre which is why we discussed it in depth in our Online Personal Finance Group in February. In…

  • “What’s That Blank Monitor For, Rain?”

    I’ve had a couple of blank monitors in my stream background for MONTHS now and it’s because I wanted to get a NUC or an extra laptop hooked up to one or both and create digital displays. The pie in the sky goal is to make them interactive!! ! But also, how else could I…

  • Take Control of Your Finances with “Overcoming Underearning”

    If you’re keen to discuss this book and anything else to do with personal finance, feel free to join us TONIGHT! Barbara Stanny’s book “Overcoming Underearning” is a must-read for anyone looking to gain control of their financial situation and break free from the cycle of underearning. Underearning is a term coined by Stanny to…

  • Fall in Love with Your Finances

    I strongly recommend this book for anyone who wants to improve their relationship with money, overcome financial stress, and create a more abundant and fulfilling life. Whether you are just starting out on your financial journey or are a seasoned investor, “Money: A Love Story” offers practical advice and a fresh perspective on how to…