Category: Student

  • And, Gosh Darn It, People Like Me?

    I’ve been struggling with this, in particular, lately, so I asked ChatGPT, “how can I feel worthy?” This is their response: Feeling worthy is an important aspect of our mental health and overall wellbeing. Here are some tips that can help you feel more worthy: Practice self-care: Taking care of your physical and emotional needs…

  • Addressing The Elephant In The Room Directly

    Or, y’know, with a blog post… Do you ever feel like a fraud, despite your accomplishments and skills? Do you doubt your abilities and worry that you’ll be exposed as an imposter? If so, you may be experiencing imposter syndrome. It’s a common feeling that affects people in many different fields, from students to CEOs.…

  • What Else Is There?

    Why so obsessed with money? Aren’t there other measurements of success? Obviously. In today’s society, it’s easy to get caught up in the idea that success is defined solely by how much money you make. We are constantly bombarded with messages that suggest that financial success is the only measurement of success that truly matters.…

  • “Thinking about moving into financial counseling?”

    “Or just full blown Ted speaker?” I know I know – two financial posts in two days? It’s a shift. I’ve added a section to the Farmer Project – A Penny Earned – which is focused on figuring out my personal finances. To that end, I’ve even created a meetup – Online Personal Finance Group…

  • From Negative Belief$ to Po$itive Thinking

    Our beliefs and attitudes about money can have a powerful impact on our financial well-being. Negative beliefs, such as feeling unworthy of money or associating money with greed, can lead to financial stress, poor decision-making, and avoidance of financial planning. But the good news is that we can choose to shift our mindset and adopt…

  • $hift Your Mind$et

    Money is a powerful force in our lives, influencing everything from our daily activities to our long-term goals and dreams. Yet, many of us struggle with negative beliefs and emotions surrounding money, which can block the flow of abundance and prosperity in our lives. One way to overcome these blocks is by practicing money affirmations.…

  • Write a Few Jokes Based on Yesterday’s Post, Please?

    Sure, here are a few jokes related to the blog post: Why did the turtle visit To learn how to bust a move in Python! What do you call a dancing turtle that knows Python? A “turtley groovy” programmer! Why did the turtle graphics program throw an error? Because the turtle didn’t have enough…

  • Get Your Groove on with Python: Creating a Dancing Turtle with Turtle Graphics!

    I prompted ChatGPT to “write a python program that draws a dancer”, write this blog post, and then help me write the and such to put all the code online in its own GitHub repository. Python is a versatile programming language that can be used for a wide range of applications, from data analysis…

  • Please Write a Few Jokes About Dance and Distributed Systems

    Sure, here are a few jokes about dance and distributed systems: Why did the distributed system refuse to dance? Because it couldn’t get all the nodes to synchronize their moves! What do you call a group of distributed systems dancing together? A load-balancing conga line! Why did the dancer bring a laptop to the dance…

  • Holy OpenAI, Batman

    A friend introduced me to today and holy hell I’m impressed. I told it to write a blog post based on my speaking bio: write a blog post about me based on this short description, “Rain Leander is a systematic, slightly psychic, interdisciplinary community liaison with a Bachelor’s in dance and a Master’s in…

  • How Much Debt Do You Currently Owe?

    If that title made you puke a little in the back of your mouth, you’ll understand why I’ve built an entire new project within The Farmer Project dedicated to personal finance. I’m tired of being scared of All Things Money ™. Including debt. Damnit. The goal for the project is that I will have established…

  • Is It Monday Yet?

    [COVID Day Five Hundred Seventy Three] As terribly excited as I am to start strength training and such on Monday at 0500 I am also absolutely NOT wanting to start strength training on Monday at 0500. Cause 0500. And strength training. Also, what am I going to have time to inhale before running to the…