[COVID Day Five Hundred Seventy Three]

As terribly excited as I am to start strength training and such on Monday at 0500 I am also absolutely NOT wanting to start strength training on Monday at 0500.
Cause 0500.
And strength training.
Also, what am I going to have time to inhale before running to the gym? And what time do I need to get up in order to have time to inhale something before running to the gym and getting there by 0500?
0430 ish.

Which is why I was absolutely fine with changing everything to 0600 and Tuesday / Thursday / Friday when the trainer reached out saying it would work better for his schedule, if I was flexible, please please please?
So I’m NOT starting tomorrow morning at 0500 to do strength training at the gym, but at 0600 at the gym to do a pilates class AND I’ll have plenty of time to get my happy butt out of bed, leisurely drink a protein shake, meditate, and drive over to the gym.
For my first ever pilates class in … fifteen years?