[Is That Really The End?]

Yesterday I worked out with Ifat and I was almost literally HIGH – I felt SO GOOD.
But I had an absolute writer’s block and then I thought, hey, let’s see if we can scope out the pattern of these posts a bit more specifically. IS there a pattern?
Is it pretty? Does it work?
What does it look like?
But first the news:
- Third meat plant closed in coronavirus scare, one in six workers test positive
- Playing by the Rules: Dutch Leader Offers a Sober Contrast in a Brash Era
- Coronavirus: How lockdown is being lifted across Europe
And, yeah, I figured some stuff out.
Which is nice.
But part of the reason I had writer’s block, why I was thinking about the whole ‘Dutch Lock Down’ format and posts and where I am and what I’m doing here is because two questions came up.
- ARE we still in a lock down?
- When will you consider it ‘ended’?

My gut reaction was yes, of course, we’re still in a lock down. Even though we’re allowed to go outside and interact and yes, A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE NOT OBSERVING IT ANYMORE.
Technically, it’s still happening.
And I’m still observing The Rules. Our family is still observing The Rules. My partner is very much still observing and, I think, even when the government opens up EVERYTHING, we’ll still have our own version of the lock down in progress.
Because, frankly, part of the reason why all the companies are opening back up is so that we don’t ALSO have an economic devastation in addition to a physical one. So that people aren’t ALSO driven mad from the isolation.
It’s understandable.
I get it.
I’m still going to maintain the 1.5 metres with everyone outside of my house.
And, yes, that’s harder with some visitors than with others. But, at least, I’m figuring out how to maintain that 1.5 metres EVEN IF you’re Really Tempting cause I Really Like You.

I think the lock down won’t end for The Leander Family until a few weeks AFTER there’s a fully tested widely available vaccine.
But here? On GroningenRain.nl?
The title with it’s Dutch Lock Down Day X will end on or around 01 September when the government rules no longer require entire commerce / social / situation activities to Cense and Desist.
I totally can’t find the link to where I read that. I think on that day they open up campsites or something. Obviously something that will have absolutely no impact on our family because it’s not sticking in my brainspace.
Those are the timelines that we’re thinking about based on the information we have TODAY. Everything could shift with the arrival of the vaccine. With a return of the rampant death tolls. With new knowledge or invention or any other number of things.
Maybe nothing changes ever again?
Maybe there’s never a return to normal as defined pre-COVID19?
Maybe face masks and a bit of distance becomes the new normal in public spaces?
And that’s okay.
It’s also okay if that only applies to you. If that’s your new headspace, that’s okay, too. At least, that’s what I keep telling MYSELF.
It’s okay to not be okay.

Yesterday I worked out with my personal trainer and it was absolutely glorious.
She brought alcohol spray, we cleaned our hands before and after we worked out. She cleaned the equipment I touched – we never touched each other or any shared surface for the entire hour.
And I got an incredible workout.
Incredibly gentle after so much time apart.
ASIDE: I’m still totally sore today.
See, I can totally exercise without her. But when I workout with Ifat, my progression EXPLODES forward. Without injury.
It’s a step towards normalcy that I really needed and I’m so glad I have it again.
But, yeah, the end of the “Dutch Lock Down titles” is still MONTHS away.
I know that a lot of places are different than the Netherlands – ended the lock down weeks ago or are just now starting it – do you feel safe? I’d love to hear your experiences, Warriors.