Dutch Lock Down Day Sixty Nine

Photo by Fabian Blank on Unsplash

Alt Title: My Back Is All Better AND!

My birthday is tomorrow.

I’m going to give you a present.

How I tripled my income.

Then maybe you can too?


But first the news:

A soon-to-be-former colleague sent me a direct message this morning, “How can I triple my salary?”

The short version is 1. realize you’re underpaid and 2. fix it.

Photo by Kat Yukawa on Unsplash

I still need to write the long version.

Which is what I’m going to do tomorrow.

But here’s what I ask – let me know if it resonates for you?

Add to it? Critique it?

Let’s put together some solid advice, Warriors.

And if you’re feeling fierce, follow the advice and let me know how it goes.

That’s the best birthday present of all.



