Hello, My Name Is

I am in the midst of a new position within Red Hat and part of the new responsibilities include applying to public speaking opportunities all over the world.

And since you have to include a short biography with these applications, I decided it was time for a bit of an overhaul.

For perspective, here is the old version:

K Rain Leander is an enthusiastic Software Engineer with a background in web development / graphic design / internet marketing and a Master’s in Information Technology. She is currently leveraging her procedural knowledge from over six years as an engineer with Red Hat to study Django and Python languages as well as OpenStack and RDO-manager technologies and become more active in the Fedora community.

I figuratively just fell asleep reading those sentences and if you did the same I DON’T BLAME YOU ONE BIT.

To figure out the new bio, I read a lot, diving here and there and everywhere for advice and insight and skipped over articles that similarly made me fall asleep until I put together something stronger, more interesting and, most importantly, a description of a person I WANT TO MEET.

Sure, I could link those articles for you, but I’d rather be snarky about it.

K Rain Leander is a systematic, slightly psychic, interdisciplinary developer evangelist with a Bachelor’s in dance and a Master’s in IT. An epic public speaker, she has disappeared within a box stuffed with swords, created life, and went skydiving with the Queen. Seriously. Rain is an active technical contributor with RDO manager, OpenStack, DjangoGirls, and Project DO. Come say hello. Bring cake.

Seriously, though, bring cake.
