Category: Speaker

  • भारत की ओर प्रस्थान

    भारत की ओर प्रस्थान

    (“I’m headed to India!” in Hindi ^)

  • Yesterday Sucked, Today is a New Day

    Yesterday Sucked, Today is a New Day

    This talk shares a personal journey through trauma, anxiety, and depression, emphasizing the power of tailored coping strategies like cognitive-behavioral techniques and mindfulness and the importance of resilience and hope in overcoming mental health challenges.

  • Mastering the Art of Work Travel: Prepping for Departure and Returning Home Gracefully

    Mastering the Art of Work Travel: Prepping for Departure and Returning Home Gracefully

    “Travel brings power and love back into your life.” – Rumi. But what happens when that travel is for work and brings with it the stress of meetings, presentations, and the discomfort of being away from home?

  • On The Move: Maintaining Healthy Routines While Traveling For Work

    On The Move: Maintaining Healthy Routines While Traveling For Work

    The art of balancing health and wellness while traveling for work is not an easy feat. Often, we find ourselves stuck in a conference room, surrounded by pastries, seated for hours on end, and then to top it off, our sleep is disrupted. How can we maintain healthy routines while on the road?

  • Put On Your Own Mask First

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Seventy] As told at Short Stack Conference this morning! Trigger Warning: This talk contains information about sexual assault and violence which may be triggering to survivors.  I’d like to pretend that you’ll never need to know how to help a friend because we all live in a world without…

  • Two Talks This Week!

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Sixty Six] This MAY or may not have been why the past few weeks have been super sketch – stress is a BEAST, yo. But first the news: Hacks, screengrabs and ‘consolation negatives’: the chaos of test for access Dutch pediatricians now support vaccinating 12-17 year olds against Covid-19…

  • Getting Started: Embrace Your Inner Child

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Sixty Four] On the road to becoming a unicorn, you need to go backwards to make progress. I know what you’re thinking right now, “do I want to be a unicorn?” Of course you do. And now you’re thinking, “but my inner child is pretty messed up…” Fair. Mine,…

  • Developing Communities: The DevRel Podcast

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Forty] It was my absolute pleasure to join Alex & Mackenzie on their podcast, Developing Communities: The DevRel Podcast, where they discuss emerging trends and talk with experts in developer relationships to unpack this growing field. But first the news: Janssen vaccine removed from Dutch programme over blood clot…

  • No Open Source Stream This Morning

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Twenty Six] I swear this is coming back SOON but this week I’m taking care of the kids by myself and still onboarding at the new adventure and, well, sometimes a person needs their introvert time more than others. #KnowWhatIMean This week I’m especially focused on getting those steps…

  • Now With Music!

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Three] Today I’m quite excited to share that I figured out how to add music to my streams. And also I demonstrated how to use the new and improved GitHub Pages to put your CV online. It’s quite the productive day, eh? But first the news: Coronavirus cases start…

  • Good Morning, StarShine!

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Ninety Four] The earth says, “Hello” You twinkle above us We twinkle below But first the news: Covid-19 ICU cases near 12-month high; seven-day rolling average highest since mid-January Dutch health officials explain Brazilian variant, Janssen vaccine, and cabinet’s reopening plan Five bars open in Utrecht as part of…

  • Want To Talk At Tech Conferences Like Me?

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Eighty Eight] IF your project is open source AND you want to talk with developers, as opposed to companies, then you’re like me. Once you’ve figured out your voice and jumped down the rabbit hole of new experiences, share your adventures by speaking at technical conferences. First, check out…