[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Seventy Six]

I mean, not actually off to America, but this upcoming week is when everything MOVES.
We close on the Haren house on Monday, the money hits our Dutch bank account and is wired to our American bank account on Tuesday, I verify that Nothing’s Gone Wrong ™ hopefully before I fly to America because on Friday I take the train down to Amsterdam, get a COVID PCR test for travel, and spend the night at the airport, on Saturday I fly to Detroit.
Are you overwhelmed yet?
I’m just getting started.
But first the news:
- Positive coronavirus tests near 7,000 as government plans new measures
- Bars, restaurants to close nightly at midnight; Strict limits on event attendance planned
- More restrictions to come? Government requests urgent advice from OMT
So then on Monday, the nineteenth, we theoretically close on our Detroit house – I say theoretically because it has flooded not once but TWICE since we decided to buy it – so we’re under negotiations again and everything might just go to shit.
I’ll let you know.

I should also update – the twins are mostly all better, the flight is fixed, I’m no longer puking, and we received updates on the house.
It’s no wonder I got sick this week.
No matter what, I’m flying to Detroit for the week and have the week off – if I close on a house on the nineteenth, then I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off turning on internet and utilities and getting a Michigan ID and enrolling kids in daycares and schools and buying So Many Electronics.
And spending each night breathing.
And meditating.
And eating.
And introverting.
And remembering to breathe.
I fly back home on Sunday / Monday 25-26 July, then we have a little less than two weeks before the movers arrive to take all our stuff – we’ll spend those precious few days brutally sorting everything into the dumpster or giving things away or reserving a very few things to go back to the States WITH US when we fly over.
Wednesday, the fourth of August is P’s birthday – shhh, don’t tell him, I bought him a house for his birthday – the movers arrive, we sell our car, pick up the rental, and move into our AirBNB. The next day we’ll clean the whole house.
The next day we’ll hand our keys over to the new owners who graciously let us live in their house (remember, it closed 12 July).
And get COVID PCR tests.
And drive to Amsterdam.
And drop off the rental.
To spend the night at the airport.
And fly out to America on Saturday morning.
One response to “Moving Back to the States: And We’re OFF!”
[…] After that is just details. […]