[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Ninety Eight]

I have scheduled COVID-19 PCR travel tests for the entire family for Thursday morning.
Including the minions.
Cause they’re over two.

I was walking home from selling our car in Almere (totally hit those daily step goals!) and it hit me, “OMG WE’RE MOVING BACK TO THE STATES”
It’s this surreal combination of wonder and excitement and horror and joy.
To give perspective, when we first moved to the Netherlands, I’d be walking down an adorable little Dutch street having bought my groceries for the night and it’d hit me, “OMG WE LIVE IN THE NETHERLANDS”
And it was also this surreal combination of wonder and excitement and horror and joy.
This afternoon’s reality punch felt the same.
We’re moving back to the States.
Really for realsies.
In one week.