In the heart of the Nevada desert, amid the fantastical landscape of Burning Man, one icon stands out every year ¡AXOLOTL! An Art Car that captures the essence of the event’s radical self-expression and gifting principles, ¡AXOLOTL! has become a vibrant symbol of creativity, inclusion, and ecological regeneration. This year, with the upcoming Burning Man event scheduled from Sunday, 27 August to Monday, 04 September and bearing the theme “Animalia Circus,” ¡AXOLOTL! is returning once more. However, the team behind this beloved spectacle needs your help to make it bigger, better, and more impactful than ever before.

In 2022, thanks to generous donations, ¡AXOLOTL! saw significant improvements to its lights, performance backline, décor, and musical programming. The result was a transformative presence on the playa that deeply resonated with attendees. This year, the ambitious ¡AXOLOTL! team is planning even more enhancements, including new subwoofers and a powerful green laser aimed at the sky – a beacon of light visible from every corner of Burning Man.

The name ¡AXOLOTL! is not chosen lightly. It signifies a profound connection to the Axolotl, a critically endangered salamander native to the dwindling wetland aquifer of Mexico City. Revered for its remarkable regenerative abilities, the Axolotl represents the infinite possibilities of nature and science. Its fragile existence, however, underscores the urgent need for ecological conservation.

In a testament to this, the ¡AXOLOTL! team has pledged to devote 10% of all donations to restoring and regenerating the Axolotl’s natural habitat in Xochimilco, Mexico City. Each contribution to the Art Car thus directly supports a noble cause that extends far beyond the boundaries of Burning Man.

Bringing ¡AXOLOTL! back to the playa in 2023 is a task the team cannot undertake alone. They need the participation and support of the broader Burning Man community and anyone who believes in their vision. Any amount donated brings them one step closer to their goal and helps support the conservation of Axolotls in their native environment.

To contribute or learn more about the team’s plans, visit their GoFundMe page: They are also open to collaborations for their programming schedule and welcome new members to the Axolotl Team.

Let’s spread joy, awe, and love on the playa and beyond, for the spirit of the Axolotl is resilient, and it is time to dance.

What are your favorite memories of ¡AXOLOTL! at Burning Man? How do you see the Art Car’s influence extending beyond the event? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments.



