[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Ninety Eight]

This morning Equinix Metal sent a courier to pick up all their hardware and maybe that’s why I woke up at 0100 this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep AT ALL?
I haven’t really processed All That Stuff.
Just shot into five weeks of interviews and negotiations after a few days of shock and sadness.
I planned on doing that Unpacking and Processing Thing this afternoon with my life coach.
Which also might be why I woke up and Never Went Back To Sleep.
Yegads, I’m tired.
But first the news:
- Rutte says lifting curfew and opening outdoor cafes is ‘responsible risk’
- Outbreak advisors strongly urged against relaxing lockdown restrictions
- The Netherlands reacts to the partial lifting of the coronavirus lockdown
Obviously, I’m going to bed at 20:30 tonight.
But, also, we rescheduled the Great Unpackening for tomorrow afternoon after I’ve caught up on All That Precious Sleep.
Please hold.
And, yes, I’ll totally be announcing the next adventure SOON!