[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Thirty Three]

If you haven’t already, I would absolutely LOVE twenty-eight more subscribers on my channel which is currently https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs4OeYtPTy-PkZmPEceEsdw/ but which I would love to get a vanity link which I can only get if I have one HUNDRED beautiful fabulous EXQUISITE subscribers.
I’m looking at you, Facebook Friends, because Facebook REALLY doesn’t allow interaction outside of Facebook.
But first the news:
- Healthcare workers get fast coronavirus test priority, at work
- Dutch mink farms in spotlight again after mutant Covid virus found in Denmark
- Covid-19: 700 excess deaths in NL last week; Risk levels escalated in two regions
I’m super chuffed to play UNLOCK!
The Escape Game by Space Cowboys!
Who just released a STAR WARS game!
There! Are! Not! Enough! EXCLAMATION!! ! POINTS!! !! ! ! ! ! !1!! ! !!!! ! ! ! ! !
And, yeah, I’m so excited, I’ve already scheduled the stream on YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter/Periscope, and Twitch!
See you TONIGHT!