Tag: coding

  • Essential Books for Aspiring Software Developers

    Getting started in software development can be overwhelming, but there are plenty of resources available to help you along the way. Books can be a great way to learn the basics and gain a deeper understanding of programming concepts. Here are some top books to consider if you’re looking to get started in software development:…

  • From Weather Stations to Smart Gardens: DIY IoT Projects with Arduino MKR

    The Arduino MKR IoT bundle is a great kit for anyone interested in building Internet of Things (IoT) projects. The kit includes an Arduino MKR1000 board, which has built-in WiFi capabilities, as well as a range of sensors and components that can be used to create a variety of projects. Here are five project ideas…

  • The Sphero Mini: A Programmable Robotic Ball for Hours of Fun

    I was given a Sphero Mini as a speaker’s gift for I forget which conference years ago and it has sat on my shelf ever since. Naturally, I did what any programmer does these days and asked ChatGPT what I should do with it. If you’re looking for a toy that’s both fun and educational,…

  • Why did the async function feel so sluggish?

    It needed to await its morning coffee. Why did the developer quit his job at the helium factory? He refused to be boxed into a container. Why do Java developers wear glasses? Because they can’t C#. Why do programmers always mix up Halloween and Christmas? Because Oct 31 equals Dec 25. Why was the database…

  • Four Ways to Implement Background Jobs in Python

    Background jobs, also known as asynchronous tasks or jobs, are an important feature in many Python applications. They allow the application to execute long-running or resource-intensive tasks in the background, while still responding to user requests and performing other tasks. In this article, we’ll explore several methods for implementing background jobs in Python. Threading One…

  • Precision and Passion: Comparing the Art of Butoh with the Science of Algorithms

    Algorithms and Butoh might seem like two very different things, but both have their own unique ways of expressing complex ideas and concepts. While algorithms are often associated with precision and objectivity, Butoh is a form of dance that emphasizes subjectivity and raw emotion. However, by exploring the parallels between these two seemingly disparate fields,…

  • Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Twenty Seven

    [A Coding Experiment at RainLeander.GitHub.io] Did you know you can create a website directly from a GitHub repository? For FREE?

  • Exploring All The Local Cafes of Haren

    Okay, so this may seem like more of an advertisement piece, but it’s where I am and that’s more important than maintaining my I Have Totally Not Sold Out reputation. But who are we kidding – I’d totally sell out, given the opportunity. And so would you. Ahem. This post certainly got dark quickly, didn’t…