Tag: family
As Awesome As Today Has Been
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Sixty] I’m ready to sleep. More.
Absolutely and Utterly Exhausted
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Fifty Six] “Sorry to let you know that your grandmother passed away. She was asleep. At 93-years old she had a long and interesting life. Love you, Dad”
Now With Actual For Realsies Real Titles
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Forty Two] Happy birthday, P. xoxo ~r.
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred
[Today Was SO Much Better] Because this, too, has passed.
Dutch Lock Down Day Ninety Nine
[Today Was Not a Good Day] Today’s official title makes that song start in my head like an earworm that won’t die and that sucks because today was NOT a good day. Starting from the moment I woke up.
Dutch Lock Down Day Ninety Three
[I ReOrganized The Office] To highlight the badass tapestry. But first the news: Mass Covid-19 testing identifies sharp region differences Dutch Economy to Shrink 6%; Second Wave Could Send Unemployment to 10% Dutch job candidates face discrimination based on gender, age and ethnic background You just wanna see the picture, don’t you.
Dutch Lock Down Day Thirty Eight
“There was also a SPEAR that went through the center from top through to stick out of the bottom.”
Dutch Lock Down Day Thirty Five
“I mean, sure, I could be CHEEKY, BUTT that would be SHITTY and I don’t wanna be an ASSHOLE” #DoYaSmellWhatImSteppinIn
Dutch Lock Down Day Thirty Four
Dutch Lock Down Day Ten
“…this Saturday we were supposed to attend my grandma’s funeral….”
Goodbye, Grandma
We will miss Dorothy so much and it’s hard to believe she is gone. We will always cherish memories of her hand drawn Angels that were on every Christmas card, her extensive doll and art collections from around the world (each with its own story), and her famous potato salad and cranberry jello sauce at…
Who Publishes On Wednesdays, I Mean Come On
Ideally this posts are written in batches and then scheduled to be published at future dates and times but I’m SO NOT THERE YET. Also? Don’t try to write while also letting the television play if you’re Rain Leander cause you’ll be CONSTANTLY DISTRACTED. I mean, some people can do it? But not I. Focus,…