Tag: health

  • “What’s Wrong, Leander?”

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Thirty Seven] …I don’t know…. Then why do I feel like I’m forgetting something. Avoiding something? Procrastinating? ….gently depressed? But first the news: Coronavirus hits international community hard; jobs and income under threat No excess mortality for first time since September With the appeal looming, Dutch government makes final…

  • I’m Doing Okay, I Swear

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Twenty One] Mostly. No one’s throwing up. Or otherwise sick. But. The construction in our house has gone up a few notches and suddenly there’s four construction workers for two days in a row now and while we’ve got a kitchen with a new stove, microwave / oven, and…

  • And Now It’s First Minion’s Turn

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Twenty] “PAPAAAA!! !” This morning. At one in the morning. I have never been so happy to be second pick. First Minion threw up in bed and called out for the one he wanted to come rescue him from all the grossness. And that person was Not Me. But…

  • So Say We All

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Eighteen] Grant me Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,Courage to change the things I can,and Wisdom to know the difference. But first the news: 226,298 residents in the Netherlands have now been vaccinated Employees paying large sums for work-from-home equipment Outbreak team tells Dutch government to reopen…

  • Not So Much Hope As A Train Light

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Seventeen] I spoke too soon? Cause last night. About an hour after going to bed. Boy Twin puked everywhere. All I could do was laugh. But first the news: Dutch primary schools may be able to open in February, prime minister says Number of vaccination sites in the Netherlands…

  • Theories And Experiments Around Illness

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Sixteen] In the midst of COVID and such, is Not Exactly The Time for figuring things out, but I think I figured out Girl Twin’s mysterious illness – and based on my one day experiment, I was right. Maybe. And, also, I think I figured out why my temp…

  • And The Universe Laughed AGAIN

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Fifteen] Cause Girl Twin came home sick from daycare this morning. And then she was fine. Happy and more energetic than ever. And then I got a minor fever. And then it went away. But first the news: Health boards ignored coronavirus IT system privacy concerns: RTL Average Covid…

  • I Don’t Actually Want To Say Anything, But…

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Fourteen] No one in this house has been sick for 48 hours. #KnockOnWood Dear Universe:Please don’t punish me for this post.xoxo,~R. But first the news: Tuesday night passes relatively peacefully after appeals for calm Outbreak of South African Covid strain; 18 infections in Gorinchem Third of workers want companies…

  • And Then Papa Was Sick

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Thirteen] But that was yesterday and he seems to be infinitely better today. Not walk through icy weather recovered, but, still, much better today. Let’s… just… wait and see what’s next, shall we? But first the news: Riot police called out across the Netherlands as trouble flares for third…

  • And The Universe Laughed

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Twelve] Not immediately after I wrote yesterday’s ZOMG Everyone is BETTER post Girl Twin super puked and it sucked but as I was falling asleep I literally laughed ALOUD remembering some of the details of the experience. But first the news: Riot police use water cannon, tear gas to…

  • Is That Light At The End Of The Tunnel?!?

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Eleven] It seems there’s light at the end of the tunnel as neither twin has thrown up or burst into flame or otherwise indicated agitation beyond wanting to watch Elsa AGAIN. Or Morphle. Frakin’ Morphle. But first the news: Riot police called to Urk, youngsters protest in Limburg as…

  • Fuck. And Now The Twins Are Sick.

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Ten] Remember how I was sick last week? The twins have been dealing with Something Similar(tm) THIS week. As in, one will get a temperature, come home from daycare, and be fine by the next morning. Then the other will throw up, come home from daycare, and be fine…