Tag: money

  • Daily Money Mantras: I’m Grateful For The Things I Have

    If you’re looking to shift your mindset around money, I strongly recommend a list of affirmations that speak to you to help you prosper and grow. This is part four of a series of daily money mantras that I affirm every single morning. As human beings, it’s easy to get caught up in the rat…

  • Daily Money Mantras: I Have a Strength In Me to Create My Own Success

    If you’re looking to shift your mindset around money, I strongly recommend a list of affirmations that speak to you to help you prosper and grow. This is part three of a series of daily money mantras that I affirm every single morning. Success is a term that has a different meaning for everyone. For…

  • Daily Money Mantras: I Choose To Live a Rich and Full Life

    If you’re looking to shift your mindset around money, I strongly recommend a list of affirmations that speak to you to help you prosper and grow. This is part two of a series of daily money mantras that I affirm every single morning. Money is often seen as the key to happiness and success, but…

  • Breaking Down Suze Orman’s Guide to Financial Independence

    Suze Orman’s book “The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom” is a comprehensive guide to achieving financial security and independence. The book was first published in 1997, and since then has become a classic in the personal finance genre which is why we discussed it in depth in our Online Personal Finance Group in February. In…

  • Daily Money Mantras: I Believe In My Skill and Ability

    If you’re looking to shift your mindset around money, I strongly recommend a list of affirmations that speak to you to help you prosper and grow. This is part one part of a series of daily money mantras that I affirm every single morning. Attitude is key! Believing in one’s skill and ability is a…

  • Take Control of Your Finances with “Overcoming Underearning”

    If you’re keen to discuss this book and anything else to do with personal finance, feel free to join us TONIGHT! Barbara Stanny’s book “Overcoming Underearning” is a must-read for anyone looking to gain control of their financial situation and break free from the cycle of underearning. Underearning is a term coined by Stanny to…

  • Striking the Balance: Achieving Financial Success without Compromising Mental Health and Relationships

    I aspire to generate an annual income of one million dollars while ensuring that my mental well-being, interpersonal connections, and familial responsibilities remain uncompromised. In today’s world, financial success is often equated with happiness and fulfillment. Many people strive to earn a high income and accumulate wealth, hoping that it will bring them satisfaction and…

  • Fall in Love with Your Finances

    I strongly recommend this book for anyone who wants to improve their relationship with money, overcome financial stress, and create a more abundant and fulfilling life. Whether you are just starting out on your financial journey or are a seasoned investor, “Money: A Love Story” offers practical advice and a fresh perspective on how to…

  • “Thinking about moving into financial counseling?”

    “Or just full blown Ted speaker?” I know I know – two financial posts in two days? It’s a shift. I’ve added a section to the Farmer Project – A Penny Earned – which is focused on figuring out my personal finances. To that end, I’ve even created a meetup – Online Personal Finance Group…

  • From Negative Belief$ to Po$itive Thinking

    Our beliefs and attitudes about money can have a powerful impact on our financial well-being. Negative beliefs, such as feeling unworthy of money or associating money with greed, can lead to financial stress, poor decision-making, and avoidance of financial planning. But the good news is that we can choose to shift our mindset and adopt…

  • $hift Your Mind$et

    Money is a powerful force in our lives, influencing everything from our daily activities to our long-term goals and dreams. Yet, many of us struggle with negative beliefs and emotions surrounding money, which can block the flow of abundance and prosperity in our lives. One way to overcome these blocks is by practicing money affirmations.…

  • How Much Debt Do You Currently Owe?

    If that title made you puke a little in the back of your mouth, you’ll understand why I’ve built an entire new project within The Farmer Project dedicated to personal finance. I’m tired of being scared of All Things Money ™. Including debt. Damnit. The goal for the project is that I will have established…