Like No One’s Looking: Regularly Schedule Dance Time

In a world where work, responsibilities, and technology often take center stage, it’s crucial to create dedicated time for activities that allow you to express yourself, de-stress, and enjoy the moment. One such activity, as we’ve explored, is dancing. It allows you to reconnect with your body, express your emotions, and experience joy and freedom. But how do we ensure this liberating activity finds its place in our daily lives?

Time is the currency of our lives. Everything we do and achieve depends on how we allocate our time. Therefore, making dancing a part of your routine ensures you regularly create an opportunity to express yourself through movement.

To start, look at your weekly schedule and identify a time that consistently works for you. It could be early morning to kickstart your day with an energy boost, in the evening to unwind, or any other time that aligns with your rhythm and lifestyle. This doesn’t have to be a massive chunk of time. Even 15 to 30 minutes can significantly affect your mood and energy levels.

Having a regular schedule for dancing has multiple benefits. First, it provides consistency, which is critical to forming new habits. James Clear, author of “Atomic Habits,” explains, “The more consistent an action, the greater the likelihood that it becomes instinctive.” So, the more often you dance, the more natural it will become, and the easier it will be to lose yourself in the music and truly dance as if nobody’s watching.

Secondly, regularly scheduled dance time creates something to look forward to. Knowing you’ve set aside time to do something you enjoy can be a powerful motivator and stress reliever.

Finally, having a dance routine allows you to monitor your progress over time. You might start noticing improvements in your flexibility, strength, or endurance or your emotional well-being and confidence levels.

To make your dance time more engaging, consider changing up your music selection now and then or exploring different dance styles. You could even create themed dance sessions, like 80s music one day, salsa the next, etc. This adds an element of surprise and fun to your routine.

In conclusion, scheduling regular dance time is like creating a recurring meeting with yourself, a commitment to celebrating your body, emotions, and individuality. So, grab your calendar, pick your dance times, and make a date with your dancing self!

Have you ever included dance in your routine? If so, how has it impacted your life? And if you haven’t, what steps can you take to make room for dance in your schedule? Share your thoughts, experiences, and ideas in the comments below. Your insights might inspire others to make dance a regular part of their lives, too!



