Author: rainleander
Because You Mentioned It Enough…
[COVID Day Five Hundred Fifty Nine] I’m listening, I’m just sometimes s l o w. I’ve switched the subtitle to remove ‘Dutch Lockdown’ because not only am I not living in the Netherlands anymore, but … there’s no lockdown either. The depressing part is that COVID is now a permanent part of our lives so…
Dear Future Self
[Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Fifty Eight] #DontPanic You just signed up for a ONE YEAR gym membership in America that costs SIX TIMES MORE each month than your gym membership in the Netherlands. SIX! TIMES! MORE! This will either mean incredible motivation to get your happy butt to the gym each day –…
Dear Past Self
[Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Fifty Seven] Go the fuck to sleep. Boy Twin is going to wake you up at five fifty tomorrow morning. And he won’t go back to sleep. And you won’t go back to sleep. And, as a matter of fact, he’ll wake up Girl Twin. It’ll be a regular…
[Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Fifty Six] I absolutely LOVED this song when it came out and had no idea how much it messed with my perception of mental illness growing up. But, damn, the bass is incredible. Thx, Rihanna. Bum-bum-be-dum-bum-bum-be-dum-bumBum-bum-be-dum-bum-bum-be-dum-bumBum-bum-be-dum-bum-bum-be-dum-bumBum-bum-be-dum-bum-bum-be-dum-bum
Sometimes You Get Stung Five Times
Sometimes your day is boring – you sleep all day and watch it fly by from your bed.
I Exist!
[Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Fifty Four] It’s not a song or anything, I’m just saying I’m not a bot. I’m here. Just still… settling in and figuring things out. Like daily routines for example… I rip myself out of bed at seven twenty in order to get kids dressed but I forgot to…
Hung Up
[Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Fifty Three] Wait, did I just catch up?!? Are we caught up?? ? Is that TODAY’S DATE? That was a whole hell of a lot of music, y’all. But also I moved across the ocean, eh? Solid excuses are solid. This one’s by Madonna. Cause #Madonna Every little thing…
All Star
[Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Fifty Two] By the Mouth that is Smashed. Or Smash Mouth. Hey now, you’re an all-star, get your game on, go playHey now, you’re a rock star, get the show on, get paidAnd all that glitters is goldOnly shooting stars break the mold
Seven Nation Army
[Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Fifty One] Those are the White Stripes, Baby! And the feeling coming from my bonesSays, “Find a home”
The Kids Aren’t Alright
[Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Fifty] The OFFSPRING!! ! Chances thrownNothing’s freeLonging for used to beStill it’s hard, hard to seeFragile livesShattered dreams (Go!)
[Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Forty Nine] That’s Linkin Park, y’all. Crawling in my skinThese wounds, they will not healFear is how I fallConfusing what is real
[Dutch Lock Down Day Five Hundred Forty Eight] How many doors down? 3 Doors Down. Whoa, whoa, whoaWhoa, whoa, whoaWhoa, whoa, whoa