Author: rainleander
Big News Today!
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Seventeen] That I still can’t share but now I have an actual for realsies real date. I know. Super vague. #SorryNotSorry But first the news: Positive coronavirus tests dip below 6,000, but no change in weekly average RIVM picks new leadership team for Covid vaccine program Dutch government yet…
Well, Pewp
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Sixteen] Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas and papas and family people in the world including YOU. Yes, I see you. Today is all about family. And if you don’t have a mama for any reason whatsoever, I’m here for you. Let me know how Mama Rain can…
Happy Mother’s Day Eve!
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Fifteen] Also known as one of two solid reasons why May is MY month. FYI – May is mine. The other reason is that it’s my birthday month. FYI – it’s my birthday month. But first the news: Police put an end to protest against coronavirus measures in Barneveld…
Bacon Lorem Ipsum Dolor
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Fourteen] Bacon ipsum dolor amet kevin burgdoggen meatball leberkas, strip steak turducken pork belly drumstick tri-tip pig fatback porchetta hamburger boudin andouille. Chislic strip steak landjaeger bresaola burgdoggen ball tip chicken ribeye doner short loin alcatra kevin drumstick tenderloin jowl. Beef tri-tip capicola kevin biltong. Turkey frankfurter landjaeger meatball.…
Do I Have To?
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Thirteen] I write every single day and sometimes, damnit, I just don’t want to. Sometimes it’s the end of the day and you want to sleep and you’re a bit cold and haven’t been sleeping well and it’s the end of an intense week and you just walked your…
A Group Of Cockroaches Is An Intrusion
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Twelve] What have you learned this week, Leander? A lot, Warriors. Cockroaches have been around since the time of dinosaurs! A cockroach can live almost a month without food. A cockroach can live about two weeks without water. Some female cockroaches only mate once and stay pregnant for life! A cockroach can live for up to one week…
Cockroach Labs At KubeCon CloudNativeCon EU
#KubeCon #CloudNativeCon
Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Ten] It’s been a long day, especially when you consider it started at one in the morning with a Boy Twin who wanted milk and comforts and cuddles and the opposite of sleep. Two. Hours. Later. He went back to sleep. Thankfully, Papa wrangled the minions for morning rush…
Getting Started With CockroachDB
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Nine] I know, I know. I haven’t even officially started with Cockroach Labs and I’m already nerding out? Where’s the work life balance? Where’s the weekend off? #CantStopWontStop But first the news: Strict Protestant churches ignored calls for online services, no singing Two Covid patients die after power outage…
It’s Gonna Be May
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Eight] Actually, it already IS May. But ya gotta make the NSYNC reference on the first of May, AMIRITE. But first the news: No further relaxation of the coronavirus rules, more under-50s in hospital Coronavirus 7-day average falls below 7,000 for the first time in weeks Young Covid-19 patients…
Yes, I’m Listening, Leander
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Seven] I have a mild headache almost every day. I’m scratching off my nail polish quite often. And then repainting it. Zits are breaking out all over. Sleep is terrible. And, yeah, I’m Super Crankypants McGee. I might be a BIT stressed. But first the news: Three-month curfew generates…
We Now Return You To Your Regularly Scheduled Program
[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Six] Yesterday I announced that my next adventure is as an application developer technical evangelist with Cockroach Labs and, frankly, I’m still high. #OMGOMGOMG But first the news: Curfew was necessary but did not cut hospital admissions, IC chief says Pregnant women can use Pfizer or Moderna Covid vaccine,…