Category: Developer

  • Maintaining Self-Care and Routines While Traveling for Work

    Maintaining Self-Care and Routines While Traveling for Work

    Traveling for work can be a double-edged sword; on one hand, it offers the excitement of visiting new places and the opportunity to expand your professional network. On the other hand, it can disrupt your self-care routines and leave you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

  • The DevOps Revolution

    Transforming Software Delivery and Collaboration Discover the transformative power of DevOps in “The DevOps Revolution: Transforming Software Delivery and Collaboration.” This comprehensive guide delves deep into the principles, practices, and culture that drive the success of DevOps, a movement that has reshaped the world of software development. Learn how collaboration, automation, and continuous processes like…

  • Navigating the Tech World

    A Comprehensive Guide to Finding, Landing, and Thriving in Your Tech Job Are you passionate about technology and seeking a fulfilling career in the tech industry? Whether you’re a recent graduate, a professional transitioning into tech, or an experienced tech worker looking for your next opportunity, “Navigating the Tech World: A Comprehensive Guide to Finding,…

  • Share Your Developer Experience Insights: Contribute to Our Upcoming Book, “Developer Experience Unleashed”

    We are excited to announce that we are currently working on a new book, “Developer Experience Unleashed: The Art of Crafting Delightful and Efficient Developer Environments.” As part of this project, we are seeking contributions from industry leaders, influencers, and developers like you to share your insights, experiences, and perspectives on Developer Experience (DX). In…

  • Essential Books for Aspiring Software Developers

    Getting started in software development can be overwhelming, but there are plenty of resources available to help you along the way. Books can be a great way to learn the basics and gain a deeper understanding of programming concepts. Here are some top books to consider if you’re looking to get started in software development:…

  • Eight Books That Will Help You Build and Manage Successful Developer Communities

    Developer Relations is a critical function for any technology company looking to build and maintain a successful product ecosystem. In this post, we’ll highlight some of the top books on Developer Relations that cover a wide range of topics related to community building, content creation, marketing, and open source software. “The Business Value of Developer…

  • Real-World Examples and Actionable Advice: Mary Thengvall’s Guide to Developer Relations

    “The Business Value of Developer Relations” by Mary Thengvall is an excellent resource for anyone interested in building and managing developer communities. The book provides a comprehensive guide to developer relations, covering everything from community management and event planning to metrics and ROI. One of the strengths of the book is its practical approach. The…

  • From Weather Stations to Smart Gardens: DIY IoT Projects with Arduino MKR

    The Arduino MKR IoT bundle is a great kit for anyone interested in building Internet of Things (IoT) projects. The kit includes an Arduino MKR1000 board, which has built-in WiFi capabilities, as well as a range of sensors and components that can be used to create a variety of projects. Here are five project ideas…

  • The Sphero Mini: A Programmable Robotic Ball for Hours of Fun

    I was given a Sphero Mini as a speaker’s gift for I forget which conference years ago and it has sat on my shelf ever since. Naturally, I did what any programmer does these days and asked ChatGPT what I should do with it. If you’re looking for a toy that’s both fun and educational,…

  • Why did the async function feel so sluggish?

    It needed to await its morning coffee. Why did the developer quit his job at the helium factory? He refused to be boxed into a container. Why do Java developers wear glasses? Because they can’t C#. Why do programmers always mix up Halloween and Christmas? Because Oct 31 equals Dec 25. Why was the database…

  • Four Ways to Implement Background Jobs in Python

    Background jobs, also known as asynchronous tasks or jobs, are an important feature in many Python applications. They allow the application to execute long-running or resource-intensive tasks in the background, while still responding to user requests and performing other tasks. In this article, we’ll explore several methods for implementing background jobs in Python. Threading One…

  • Automating Amazon Price Tracking with Python

    Are you a savvy shopper who is always on the lookout for the best deals on Amazon? Do you find yourself constantly checking the prices of your favorite products to see if they have gone down? If so, you might want to consider using Python to automate the process of tracking Amazon prices. In this…