Category: Dancing Engineer

  • Outreachy Internships Available

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Eight] Grant for Humanitarian Open Source Communities Deadline: 01 March 2021 at 1600 UTC Outreachy is a paid, remote internship program. Internships last three months. Interns and mentors work completely remotely. Outreachy’s goal is to improve diversity in open source. Past interns are 92% women, 64% people of color, and…

  • You Shall Not Pass!

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Five] In case you missed yesterday’s updated post, I tested NEGATIVE for COVID. Go, me? But just taking the test yesterday meant that my fever went away – I started feeling better already last night, so I wasn’t surprised when I woke up this morning feeling fine. But first…

  • There’s Too Many Kids In This Tub

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Ninety Nine] There’s too many elbows to scrubI just washed a behind that I’m sure wasn’t mineThere’s too many kids in this tub. Shel Silverstein But first the news: Coronavirus in the Netherlands: what you need to know (January 12) 79% of Dutch support lockdown extension; 82% will get…

  • That Feeling You’re Feeling Is Shock

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Ninety Five] Or surprise or trauma or depression or disappointment or rage or pity. Me, too. And that’s okay. But first the news: Random sampling shows up to 5% of Dutch Covid cases are ‘British’ variant Netherlands to get another 11.5 million doses of Pfizer Covid vaccine Dutch government…

  • I Need A Minute To Process

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Ninety Four] Please hold.

  • Protesters Storm United States Capitol

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Ninety Three] I am absolutely terrified for my friends and family in the United States right now. This violence will not be limited to the US Capitol. This will not end tonight. Please stay safe.

  • The Dancing Engineer Who Loves #Adagio and #Apps

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Ninety] A new month brings a new theme and I’ve chosen Applications and Adagio as my passions for January 2021. Or, as I prefer to write it, #Adagio and #Apps. But first the news: Dutch border police bar 10 British nationals from entering the Netherlands Dutch family doctors also…

  • Welcome To Twenty Twenty One

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Eighty Eight] Sit down, put your seatbelt on, and don’t touch anything. Let’s take this one day at a time, shall we? Sure, it may seem like this year is the answer to life, the universe, and everything, but let’s think of it more like Happy Fun Ball, okay?…

  • Three Thankful Things

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Eighty Seven] In the interest of brevity and going to bed within the next seven minutes, three things that I’m oh so totally thankful for in the past year. Plus the negative is, well, SO much. So fuck that shit. But first the news: Primary schools to stay shut…

  • Oh, THAT’S Why I Don’t Drink

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Eighty Three] I split a lovely bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon with a dear friend of mine (Hi, S!) for Christmas dinner and I think I’m only just now returning to normal functions. As much as can be expected with the entire family about for the holidays. I’m still figuring…

  • Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Eighty] Finished wrapping presents this morning. Placed everything in its place. Bought the ingredients for the three dishes I’m making for tomorrow night’s dinner. We opened stockings tonight and tomorrow morning we’ll attack the big presents – this wasn’t in the plans, but COVID shifted things a bit. Want…

  • What a Rain Wants, What a Rain Needs

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Seventy Seven] I am basically shite if my day isn’t planned down to the fifteen minute increment. Which, by the way, does NOT happen often when there are children involved. Shockingly. It means that the weekends are rougher because the kids are around the whole day and I don’t…