Category: Dancing Engineer
Obviously Still Figuring Out Five A.M.
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Seventy Eight] Totally slept in this morning. Totally know why. Totally doing something about it.
Just Do The Things
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Seventy Seven] I’m not doing what I meant to do and that’s okay.
Prepping For Today’s Stream And The Rest Of My Life
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Seventy Six] Please subscribe to my YouTube channel ha ha no but #SRSLY
The Path Less Travelled
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Seventy Five] Time for mmhmm, StreamYard, iMovie, Free Music Archive, and Unsplash experiments!
Shut The Front Door
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Seventy Four] Actual Title: How I can improve those Saturday night escape room streams
And Then I Slept Til Ten
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Seventy Three] Oops? But, also, it’s so totally okay.
What Do You Do For Fun?
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Seventy One] My inner four year old just realised we don’t do anything for FUN these days. And they’re NOT happy.
Vlogging Scares Me… A Lot
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Seventy] I also really hate my weak jawline.
Last Five a.m. Wake Up Post, I Swear!
Enthusiasm / passion / fire has definitely waned for The Farmer Project. There’s still a spark, don’t get me wrong, and I’m still doing the things on the lists, but it no longer rips me out of bed like it used to – one week of five a.m. wake ups aside.
Listen To The Signs, Leander
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Sixty Eight] This morning’s five a.m. almost didn’t happen. It’s the closest I’ve come to going back to sleep. Let’s figure out why.
Register NOW!
Part 2 of Kim Crayton’s Being Antiracist series “Being Antiracist at Home” is happening this Saturday 29th August. Learn how to improve your antiracist practice with family, friends & community. Register at