Category: Dancing Engineer
As Awesome As Today Has Been
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Sixty] I’m ready to sleep. More.
Oops, I Missed A Day
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Fifty Eight] And while, yes, this is a back post, that’s how BOTHERED I am about it not being here. Therefore. These videos are all how I was absolutely NOT feeling on Saturday.
It’s A Highly Effective Alarm Clock
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Fifty Two] At some point in the night a massive thunderstorm came to play seemingly directly over our house and at FIVE this morning a particularly loud clap of thunder exploded in our room. “JESUS CHRIST!” It’s fascinating that when I’m startled out of my slumber by an act…
How Was Your Vacation?
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Forty Eight] I did some branding thingsess; wanna see?
So We Bought A Pool
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Forty Six] There are a million things that I wanted to tackle this week while on vacation but as of Friday I just… stopped… doing things.
Am I a Creator? Or a Sage? Why Not Both?
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Forty Five] I’m figuring out my brand this week! Wh00!! !
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Forty Four] The other day the life coach said to me AND I QUOTE, “You’re so technical, I want you to do this writing exercise to tap more into your creative side.” #FuckTHAT
What Is My Brand?
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Forty Three] Affirming the chameleon.
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Thirty Five
[Today Was Kinda Rough] It started with a call from IT.
Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Thirty Three
[The WHY of #DevRel And Other Tales From the #CommunityPulse Podcast] Relationships Run The World