Category: Fierce Creature

  • Back in the Saddle or Something

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Ninety One] Except for YESTERDAY, I have been waking up at seven or earlier for over ten days and YET this morning when we HAD TO GET UP BY SEVEN because the oldest HAD TO GET TO SCHOOL BY EIGHT, we totally slept in until seven TWENTY. Twenty minutes,…

  • The Dancing Engineer Who Loves #Adagio and #Apps

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Ninety] A new month brings a new theme and I’ve chosen Applications and Adagio as my passions for January 2021. Or, as I prefer to write it, #Adagio and #Apps. But first the news: Dutch border police bar 10 British nationals from entering the Netherlands Dutch family doctors also…

  • This Song’s Gonna Get Stuck Inside Your Head

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Eighty Nine] Sorry. Not sorry. But first the news: Government u-turns on vaccinations, acute care workers now a priority Netherlands will start vaccinations ahead of schedule after all Hospitals in dire need for hundreds of nurses Yes, Lego Movie 2: The Second Part came out a year ago, but…

  • Welcome To Twenty Twenty One

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Eighty Eight] Sit down, put your seatbelt on, and don’t touch anything. Let’s take this one day at a time, shall we? Sure, it may seem like this year is the answer to life, the universe, and everything, but let’s think of it more like Happy Fun Ball, okay?…

  • Three Thankful Things

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Eighty Seven] In the interest of brevity and going to bed within the next seven minutes, three things that I’m oh so totally thankful for in the past year. Plus the negative is, well, SO much. So fuck that shit. But first the news: Primary schools to stay shut…

  • And Now For Something Completely Different

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Eighty Six] Hey hey! I’ve got seventy seven subscribers on YouTube! Go ME! But first the news: Crucial operations under threat as coronavirus spreads through hospitals Dutch coronavirus total jumps 26% after Christmas break; ICU total tops 700 Controversial CoronaMelder one of the top apps in 2020 Can I…

  • World’s Longest Hangover Or …?

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Eighty Five] I’ve been taking meds for days now, fighting off headaches left and right – could be the vodka and wine from Christmas. Could be stress. Could be the full time parenting. I sound like a broken record, eh? But first the news: Coronavirus cases down by 12%…

  • Little Crash Again Today

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Eighty Four] I think it’s stress? Or darkness and cold and weather? Or full time parenting? But first the news: 11 cases of infectious British Covid strain identified in the Netherlands Confidence in Dutch king falls below 50% after 2020 Covid gaffes Dutch population will continue to grow in…

  • The Mysterious Museum

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Eighty Two] Sometimes you do a live stream and just embed the video into the blog post and call it a night. Nine. More. Days.

  • Jingle All The Way

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Eighty One] I’m up SO FAR past my bedtime, so I’m keepin’ this one quick. #ItsNotVodka But first the news: (Update) Negative test result mandatory for most travellers to NL “You are indispensable”: King calls for compassion, forgiveness in “tough” 2020 New coronavirus infections stays above 11,500; Another 317…

  • Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Eighty] Finished wrapping presents this morning. Placed everything in its place. Bought the ingredients for the three dishes I’m making for tomorrow night’s dinner. We opened stockings tonight and tomorrow morning we’ll attack the big presents – this wasn’t in the plans, but COVID shifted things a bit. Want…

  • An Eentsy Beentsy Teeny Weenie Tiny Little Crash

    [Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Seventy Nine] They happen more often over the holiday season. So it’s not a surprise. But it still… well… sucks. But first the news: Pressure on hospital beds leads to 40% of operations being postponed Dutch hospitals facing shortages of Covid-19 rapid tests Weekly coronavirus update: 82.340 new cases,…