Category: Fierce Creature
Wanna See The Skellington?
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Twenty Five] Yesterday I spoke at Software Circus dressed as a skeleton and today, well, I’m a rock star. My hair is still floofed / spiked and that black make up around my eyes ain’t goin’ NOWHERE. Wanna see? But first the news: Dutch coronavirus app is sending out…
I Totally Get Paid To Be A Skellington Today
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Twenty Four] I’m ludicrously chuffed to speak at Software Circus today, although, I’ll admit, even if I weren’t speaking, I’d still dress up to watch. Cause #CostumeContest And while I already wrote about this in New Mic Who DIS I completely forgot to add an actual link to the…
Dear Massive Spider That Just Ran Across My Wall
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Twenty Three] Fuck off. But first the news: Current coronavirus rules will last well into December, Dutch prime minister says Rutte: Lockdown still possible; Partial lockdown at least through November How to manage the added stress of COVID-19 as an expat If those three news articles aren’t a perfect…
Up At Five, Sakes Alive!
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Twenty Two] Lemme explain that. And yawn so massively that my jaws ache. And glance at the news articles posted since I wrote last night. And go back to bed.
“How Was Your Weekend?”
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Twenty One] “I have a SIX year old!” I repeated that exchange quite a bit – apparently I’m super chuffed. But first the news: All eyes on Tuesday, as coronavirus cases may be leveling off No new coronavirus measures expected tomorrow: Reports Dutch government to warn ‘draconian measures’ may…
Happy Sixth Birthday, First Minion
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Twenty] You came early. I went in for a regular weekly checkup on a Wednesday, my blood pressure was too high and I was asked to come in that Friday. My blood pressure was still too high, but, good news, you were thirty seven weeks along, so you could…
I’m Oke. Tired But Oke.
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Nineteen] I’m stable, but lashing out. Not ideal, but getting there. I’m oke. But first the news: Too early to say if partial lockdown is working, prime minister says RIVM warns of data delays after reporting 8,669 new coronavirus infections Covid-19 ICU patient total tops 500 days earlier than…
New Mic Who DIS
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Eighteen] I’m giving a talk next week with Software Circus and I could not be more SQUEEE. I saw them back in June when they did an Alice in Wonderland theme and it was just BRILLIANT. I think every sentence in this post is going to end with all…
COVID Test Result Is Negative
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Eighteen] Alternative Title: How to Return Your Under Four Year Olds to Daycare Once They’ve Been Kicked Out Because of the COVID Rules For those of you who have been following along at home, the result of my covid test on Tuesday is negative. The twins got to see…
COVID 19 Test Result Twenty Four Hours Later
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Seventeen] “You were tested on 20 October 2020. We don’t have the result of your test yet. You will receive an email or telephone call when we get your result.” Yeah, I wanna know, too. But first the news: Dutch princesses return from Greek holiday 3 days after…
Oke, But, Srsly, OW
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Sixteen] I took the COVID19 test just now. Let’s talk about how much my nose hurts now. And how awesome the Dutch testing system has gotten. But first the news: Police to step up coronavirus rule enforcement, soft drug use outside can lead to fines RIVM: More coronavirus infections…
Oh, Hey, I’m Getting the COVID Test Tomorrow
[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Fifteen] The twins have had a cough for ten days. And a runny nose. Nothing else. But first the news: Slight drop in coronavirus cases in last 24 hours, more patients in hospital More coronavirus patients caused a 20 percent cut in non-Covid care Teachers want stricter coronavirus measures,…