Category: Fierce Creature
Why, Hello There, Five In The Morning
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Sixty Three] Let’s make this a thing, shall we?
Where’s The Consistency, Leander?
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Sixty Two] I didn’t stream today. Oops?
Register NOW!
Part 2 of Kim Crayton’s Being Antiracist series “Being Antiracist at Home” is happening this Saturday 29th August. Learn how to improve your antiracist practice with family, friends & community. Register at
As Awesome As Today Has Been
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Sixty] I’m ready to sleep. More.
Streak Broken! But It’s All Good
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Fifty Nine] I slept for twenty four hours. And I feel much better for it.
Oops, I Missed A Day
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Fifty Eight] And while, yes, this is a back post, that’s how BOTHERED I am about it not being here. Therefore. These videos are all how I was absolutely NOT feeling on Saturday.
If I Get Worse, Yes, I’ll Get Tested
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Fifty Seven] I’m worried about these symptoms.
Don’t Forget To Breathe
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Fifty Seven] Remember, Warriors – breathe in, breathe out, repeat as needed.
Absolutely and Utterly Exhausted
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Fifty Six] “Sorry to let you know that your grandmother passed away. She was asleep. At 93-years old she had a long and interesting life. Love you, Dad”
It’s NOT a Highly Effective Alarm Clock
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Fifty Four] Remember how I totally meant to get up between five and five thirty? #LOL
Confessions of a Gamer
[Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Fifty Three] Last night I totally FAILED. Except not.