[Oh, OW]

Around the end of May 2018 this site was hacked and since I had poured my heart and soul into it and had six month old baby twins and NO BACKUP, I let it go.
Sort of.
I rebuilt the site, started writing again and kept… stopping. Cause MAN that hurt to be hacked. To not have backups. To lose ALL that writing.
I had been writing daily back then, too.
It took me a while to get back to that habit.
But first the news:
- As Keti Koti is celebrated, the Netherlands is slowly facing up to its slavery past
- The Netherlands commemorates the abolition of slavery
Have you heard of the Internet Archive?
The Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, the print disabled, and the general public. Our mission is to provide Universal Access to All Knowledge.

It caught a LOT of the old site.
And today I wondered, wait, why haven’t I done that backup again?
This is the last site archive done before the hack. And you can see the beginning of a post, “Adventures in Pregnancy: The Obvious Conclusion” written on 27 February 2018. It was the story of the twins’ birth. The actual birth. It’s traumatic. Awful. The ONLY wonderful thing to happen was their arrival. I had written it all out – raw – as soon as I could handle it.
And it’s gone.
That’s what stopped me from grabbing the rest last time. I just ran into a brick wall of trigger and heartache and devastation. And stopped.
But not this time.
Today HURT.
Oh, OW.

But I remember now. And as much as I could salvage is back on groningenrain.nl. While it’s only the introduction of the story, it feels better to have that back on the site than nothing.
It still hurts.
A bit.
And that’s okay.
One response to “Dutch Lock Down Day One Hundred Eight”
[…] not even sure how you forgot. Wait. No. I’ve got that one. It broke because I wrote about when the site was hacked. Which was kind of […]