[Podcasts and Streaming and Tech Talks, Oh MY]
It’s been a busy couple of weeks and a few projects I’ve been involved in are publishing the recordings.
Exciting stuff, eh?
But first the news:
- Most people are picking up coronavirus through family contacts
- Bonus of 1.000 euros for all coronavirus healthcare workers in the Netherlands
I was a guest on a live episode of the Community Pulse podcast and was a live AMA panelist for OpenShift Commons Gathering and was a speaker at StackConf Online.
Wanna see?
A Talk About Racism, Privilege, and DevRel: Community Pulse Live – Summer Edition
These past few weeks have brought us to what we hope will be an inflection point with regard to systemic racism in the United States. We’re now asking the question: How can we work as a community in DevRel to ensure we not only address this critical moment, but actively work toward eradicating systemic racism in our industry?
Lessons Learned Under the Big Tent – Thierry Carrez (OpenStack)
OpenShift Commons Gathering
Lessons Learned under the Big Tent: The OpenStack Journey by Thierry Carrez (OpenStack Foundation) followed by AMA Live Chat with Speaker, Panelists and Community with Thierry Carrez (OpenStack Foundation) | Amy Marrich (Red Hat) | Lisa-Marie Namphy (Independent) | Rain Leander (Packet) | Lee Calcote (Layer5)
Leveraging Procedural Knowledge: From Riding a Bike to Bare Metal Automation
On the road to senior engineer, one has to inhale multiple technologies. This often seems like a series of massive obstacles wherein each new technology resembles a new beginning. However, engineers often underestimate the extent to which procedural knowledge from one technology transfers to a new technology. In this talk, I will demonstrate that the process from OpenStack Community Liaison to Packet Community Manager was a series of procedural knowledge transfers, wherein the obstacles to learning reduces with each new technology that is learned. I will provide specific examples, from getting started to troubleshooting issues, and conclude with practical recommendations on how to create a coherent plan for transitioning from one technology to another.
So the last conference hasn’t published the 2020 archives yet, but when they do, you’ll have the link. In the meantime, you can refresh the page over and over again just like I totally don’t do every day waiting for the final piece of the puzzle of work over the past few weeks to be published.
This is fine.
This is totally fine.
Also I’ve got a FEW other projects / experiments in the pipeline that I TRULY look forward to BUT I’m not ready to make the big reveal yet.