‘Excited much?’

Gather ’round, kids, it’s time for a language lesson.

The word for ‘excited,’ in Dutch, is ‘spannend.’

It’s that feeling when you’re on a roller coaster, and you’re having a freaking blast with the adrenaline, but also, what if it suddenly all goes wrong and you fly off to your death.

It’s that feeling when you’re eager for your vacation trip coming up but also worried that you won’t get all your work done and did you remember to pack your underwear.

It’s that feeling when you’re about to go on stage to give a speech, and you’ve rehearsed until you’re blue in the face, and you know you know your subject, but your boss is watching you speak for the first time, and you kind of feel like you have to go to the bathroom.


In case you missed the announcement:

And how do I feel?



Because it’s EXACTLY what I’ve been looking for, for LITERALLY years – build out the open source developer program at a large company where the leadership team is super excited about the possibilities.

But also I’m moving to San Diego. With the cats.

Without the Minions.

Trust me when I say that there are a LOT of moving pieces between navigating the logistics while also taking care of their precious little hearts and beautiful big feelings.

Yes, I’m excited. And nervous.

And terrified.



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