Getting Started With CockroachDB

[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Nine]

I know, I know.

I haven’t even officially started with Cockroach Labs and I’m already nerding out?

Where’s the work life balance?

Where’s the weekend off?


But first the news:

Fair warning: this one is about databases.

Photo by Mister M on Unsplash

I’ve added a new milestone to the Farmer Project to reflect the new jobbie job which is to become a Distributed Database SME.

It’s been literally YEARS since I played with MySQL – back in the nineties – so I may be a bit bored with a few of these, but I’m giving myself permission to scan if it’s a review.

In addition to whatever training Cockroach Labs throws my way along with the incredible Cockroach University, I’m going to inhale the following knowledge:

Do you know of others I should explore?

I’m especially looking for database resources for application developers.

While Cockroach Labs is a distributed SQL database, which is, effectively, a combination of SQL *and* NoSQL databases, I’m going to taste a bit of both via this list.

Got leads?

Send them my way, please!



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