[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Eighty One]

It’s a perfectly normal thing here, but it’s NOT an American thing, so you can imagine my surprise EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. when it happens for Easter and Ascension day and White Sunday and Christmas.
What else happens on Mondays?
Trash day.
Therefore every time it’s a holiday on Monday, trash is picked up on Saturday and literally every single holiday – we forget.
Someday we’ll remember.
Today is not that day.
Especially since it was yesterday.
But first the news:
- Dutch gov’t needs to keep Covid support for businesses going: Banks
- Travelers from the Netherlands to Germany must show negative COVID test at the border
- Eurovision Song Contest likely to have a (small) live audience
The thing is that when something isn’t high enough priority, it won’t happen.
Or be remembered.
Like Easter.

Last year we flat out didn’t celebrate at all because lockdown had just started and stores were strictly closed and it wasn’t even clear that stores were delivering online orders either, and, frankly, it’s not an important holiday for us, so it didn’t happen.
No egg hunt.
No chocolate.
Definitely no church.
But this year, grocery stores are open, regular stores are open by appointment, and, well, plastic eggs, chocolate, and games are acquired!
And our trash bin is full.
But that’s okay.
We remembered the chocolate.
Happy Easter, Warriors.
And, if you celebrate it, Happy Second Easter, too.