This post is going to be super first world and come from a place of massive privilege – I recognize that I’m in an amazing place to be able to talk about owning a house and selling it and buying another one and setting up my own office at home. That it’s amazing to have a job, to have a remote job, to have a well paying remote job with an amazing company like Red Hat. All that. This post is entirely about bragging about my new home office. And while I feel incredibly proud of how hard we’ve worked to get where we are today, I also realize how very much this is because we appear white and straight and well functioning and normal and this is very much an advantage we have in the world.
That said.
I have my very own home office.
Separate from my own home.
When we found out we were pregnant with twins, among the plethora of stressors was that we’d need to remodel our house extensively to make it work once said twins were old enough to want their own spaces. This is YEARS in the future, but it was still right there with all the other OMG things that were dancing through my DOUBLY hormonal brain.
And instead of taking a deep breath and Putting It Aside we put our house on the market, found a new house, packed, moved, and had babies.
No big deal.

One of the reasons it all came together was that we found a house that needed Very Little Done to be move in ready – and it just happened to include a separate garage with – WAIT FOR IT – a home office.
Now, the home office in question was NOT move in ready, but it also took me almost a year from that point to get back to working full time, oh, and the house didn’t have working internet for a year, either, so it was all chaos.
But this past summer we started the renovation process, had new isolation and wiring installed and Big! Beautiful! French! Doors! I initiated the painting process and then completely threw my back out, so P ended up doing it all himself.
The past couple of weeks have been moving things in and organizing like mad and then the last couple of days have been just settling in and nesting and such.

Oh, and working.

Sure, there’s still tons of messes and chaos and a few kinks to work out – I should probably wait until I’ve actually installed the center ceiling light before I post the official ‘After Pictures” but, damnit, I’m stupidly happy about this space.

It’s mine.
And it’s awesomeness.