Let’s Talk About Diversity Scholarships at DevConf.US

MacBook on woman's lap
Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

Two posts in one day WHAT!

This email came to my attention just this morning and the deadline is TODAY so it’s getting posted ASAP.

And YUP that means Two Posts On One Day WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE PEOPLE

DevConf.US is a free conference in Boston, MA on August 15-17.

It is organized by Red Hat’s Engineering and dedicated to open source technologies. The conference has the following tracks: Application Development & Containerization, Building & Running Cloud Infrastructure, Ensuring Software Quality, Machine Learning & Privacy & Big Data, Serverless, Open Source & Process, Systems Engineering & Hardware, and User Experience in Open Source.

You can learn more about the conference at https://devconf.info/us and see the schedule from last year at https://devconfus2018.sched.com

In an effort to create a more DIVERSE and INCLUSIVE event, the conference is offering diversity scholarships that cover travel-related expenses for attendees from the U.S. or Canada who do not work at Red Hat and who are students or are relatively new or returning to full-time work in technology.

woman helping man using laptop computer
Photo by NESA by Makers on Unsplash

The scholarships can cover TRAVEL, ACCOMODATIONS, FOOD, CHILD CARE, and other expenses.

Decisions will be made based on applicants’ experience with Red Hat-supported and other open source technologies and based on being a student or being new or returning to full-time work in technology.

You can find more details and apply by 5pm ET on Monday, June 17 at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd7myxl2Qu6ORqFTRP9Lo3JFjENivkpYwwCUL6AFJ43c-1Sbg/viewform

women using laptops on brown wooden table
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Yes, I know – that’s NOW NOW NOW.

I’ve reached out to the group and asked if we could extend the deadline another week as this information is just now getting a boost today. But if you know anyone who fits the bill and is keen to attend, please get this information to them NOW NOW NOW.





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