[Dutch Lock Down Day Four Hundred Forty One]

I’ll probably be putting that “Moving Back to the States” in a lot more titles over the coming months.
Because … we’re moving back to the States.
Right now it’s all about sorting the hell out of stuff
No pressure.
But first the news:
- Coronavirus vaccines available to everyone born in 1982
- Covid-19 deaths dropped 40% in February
- OMT: Can’t rule out possibility of fourth coronavirus wave this winter
This next few weeks are just about packing and sorting and taking care of details here in the Netherlands in preparation for the move, but not so much about taking care of details over there in the States, because, yeah, there’s still no news on where we’ll actually end up.
Good times.
And, well, there’s the packing itself, sure, but there’s also making sure I don’t lose my mind like this past Monday.
Therefore, instead of “Packing the Things” I’m going to go over my daily / weekly / monthly agenda for taking care of myself so that as I pack all the things, I maintain a certain semblance of stability.
I know what you’re thinking.

0500 Wake Up: glass of water and long ass walk
0600 Breakfast Smoothie / Journalling / Meditation / Languages Studied
0700 Morning Rush Hour: getting kids up and off to school / daycare
0830-1730 Work: don’t forget to also drink water, take breaks, go for walks, sit outside, strength training on Tuesdays and Thursdays, life coach on Wednesdays
1730 Evening Rush Hour: getting kids from after school program / daycare
1900 Dinner
2000 Evening Stroll
2100 Bed
Sure, that’s my sort of goal agenda, but it doesn’t go into a lot of detail about what I’m working on for work or what that 0830-1730 looks like – it’s a bit vague – which makes it really easy to forget things like drinking said water or going on a walk or taking a freakin’ break, Leander.
Let’s sketch that out a bit more, shall we?
0830-0930 Focus Work: watching a video, taking a class, reading a book
0930-0945 Walk Around The Block & Drink Water
0945-1045 Snack & Light Work: email, blog, CFP applications, feedback, slack, forums
1045-1100 TTh: Drive to Strength Training (MF: long ass walk)
1100-1200 TTh: Strength Training (MF: long ass walk) & Drink Water
1200-1215 TTh: Return from Strength Training (MF: long ass walk)
1215-1245 Lunch & Light Work: email, blog, CFP applications, feedback, slack, forums
1245-1345 Focus Work: code
1345-1400 Walk Around The Block & Drink Water
1400-1730 Light Work & Meetings
But the reality is that while this ^ is the ideal, the reality may look something more like this:
0500 NOPE: Turn off alarm and go back to sleep
0600 NOPE
0700 FINE Morning Rush Hour: getting kids up and off to school / daycare
0830-0930 Focus Work: watching a video, taking a class, reading a book
0930-0945 Forget to Walk Around The Block & Drink Water
0945-1045 Forget to Snack But Remember To Do Light Work
1045-1100 TTh: Drive to Strength Training (MF: long ass walk)
1100-1200 TTh: Strength Training (MF: long ass walk) & Drink Water
1200-1215 TTh: Return from Strength Training (MF: long ass walk)
1215-1245 Forget to Eat Lunch But Remember To Do Light Work
1245-1345 Focus Work: code
1345-1400 Forget to Walk Around The Block & Drink Water
1400-1730 Light Work & Meetings
1730 PANIC Evening Rush Hour: getting kids from after school program / daycare
1900 Do I Have To Cook Dinner?!?
2000 NOPE
2100 NOPE
2200 Climb Into Bed But Lie Awake Staring Into The Void
0100 Fall Asleep
IF you feel like it, really, at any time of the day or night, send me reminders to drink water and go for a walk?
And if you get the timing right, remembering timezones, any of the other ideal things that get put aside in light of work / family / #NotPuttingMyselfFirst things could use a reminder as well.
If you’re keen.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to skip my afternoon walk around the block and drink water to pack #AllTheThings