Preparing for the OfferZen SheSharp Maker’s Event

[Dutch Lock Down Day Three Hundred Seventy Five]

This is part one in which we attempt to set up for the OfferZen / SheSharp Make Day and completely brick our system by downloading and installing foreign drivers.


But first the news:

I’ll do Part II tomorrow.

Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash

OfferZen [0] and SheSharp partnered up to offer another edition of the Make Day [1] exclusively for the SheSharp [2] community.

“What is a Make Day?”

A fun opportunity for curious people who love to build things using technology. In this workshop you will get to make a self-watering plant system using electronic components that you will code instructions for.

Due to the pace of the session, you need to be a software developer – not necessarily currently in a developer role – with some coding experience (any language). During the workshop, you will be provided with full instructions and code samples plus mentors to help you.

I am doing the Prep work [3] for this incredible workshop [4].

“Makers that are well prepared get the most out of their experience. Before you attend your Make Day, there are a couple of activities to complete. Please walk through the steps below and make sure to have a working system before the actual Make session starts. It should only take about 15 minutes!”





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