[COVID Day Five Hundred Something]
I mean, there are some amazing reasons behind writing every single day. Even if every day isn’t a brilliant omg I can’t believe you said that day.
And then there are reasons to, well, NOT.
Moving across the pond – that’s a solid reason for not writing every single day.
Or, at least, not publishing.
Which I’ve obviously not done.
I’m building a new site.
But also I’m building new daily habits and rituals.
And shifting away from… here.
If you’re keen to see what I’m doing on a daily basis, I’m way more active on twitter, twitch, and youtube and a bit more active on facebook and instagram.
But here?
Not so much.
I’d like to get back to writing daily. To even publishing daily, sure.
Today is not that day.
Don’t read this as fatalistic or depressive – I’m doing oke.
I’m prioritizing self care and compassion while I and the family settle into our new slice of the world in America.
I hope you’re taking care of yourself, too.