Tag: burning man

  • Embracing the Stranger: Stories of Radical Inclusion at Burning Man

    Embracing the Stranger: Stories of Radical Inclusion at Burning Man

    Radical Inclusion, in the context of Burning Man, transcends mere acceptance. It’s an open-armed welcome to strangers, a genuine respect for the unfamiliar, and an enthusiastic celebration of diversity. Thousands of individuals converge in the desert each year, carrying unique stories, cultures, and perspectives. No matter how different, all are embraced with warmth and curiosity,…

  • Behind the Scenes: Building Black Rock City

    Behind the Scenes: Building Black Rock City

    Creating the ephemeral metropolis that is Black Rock City is no small feat. It requires immense planning, labor, and a collective spirit of community and responsibility. This behind-the-scenes look into the making of Burning Man offers a glimpse into the tireless work and collaboration that goes into bringing our desert home to life each year.

  • Art of the Burn: The Most Impactful Artworks

    Art of the Burn: The Most Impactful Artworks

    There is something truly magical about the art at Burning Man. From colossal structures that grace the Playa to intimate, interactive installations, the creativity showcased is immense and often carries profound, meaningful messages that resonate with the event’s principles.

  • First Burn: A Rookie’s Experience

    First Burn: A Rookie’s Experience

    Each year, the desert in Nevada comes alive with the vibrant colors, diverse individuals, and unique culture of Burning Man, an event that defies categorization. Guided by ten principles that range from radical self-expression to civic responsibility, Burning Man invites everyone to take part in this yearly celebration. But for first-time Burners, the event can…



    To contribute or learn more about the team’s plans, visit their GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/axolotl-regenerate-for-the-playa-2023. They are also open to collaborations for their programming schedule and welcome new members to the Axolotl Team.

  • Write a Few Jokes About Burning Man, Please?

    Sure, here are a few Burning Man jokes: Why did the hippie refuse to share their tent at Burning Man? Because they wanted to keep their “space” sacred. What do you call a Burning Man participant without a bike? A pedestrian. How many Burners does it take to change a light bulb? None, they just…

  • Have You Heard of The Burn?

    I asked our favourite neighborhood chat AI for advice on attending Burning Man as I’m going this fall for the first time ever. Of course, they’re kind of repetitive, but I’m a bit SQUEE about the whole thing so I included it ALL. #OMGOMGOMG Burning Man is an annual event that takes place in Black…