[Dutch Lock Down Day Two Hundred Ninety Nine]

There’s too many elbows to scrub
Shel Silverstein
I just washed a behind that I’m sure wasn’t mine
There’s too many kids in this tub.
But first the news:
- Coronavirus in the Netherlands: what you need to know (January 12)
- 79% of Dutch support lockdown extension; 82% will get Covid vaccine
- Coronavirus press conference: Lockdown extended by three weeks
My grandpa introduced me to Shel Silverstein from a very early age by reading me poems from Where The Sidewalk Ends.
Controversial because of profanity and subject matter, the book was banned in many libraries and schools.[2][3]
…many thanks.

That’s it.
I just needed a lighter focus right now.
I hope you’re doing alright.
One step at a time, eh?
Line by line.