There are more than a few reasons why I haven’t been posting on here, most importantly, really, is #TWINS.
And the other thing is that I got out of the habit.
Also, obviously.
But less obviously is that I’ve been recovering from All The Complications ™ and one of the things that happened is that I lost a shit ton of weight really fast. And how are you supposed to talk about that?
“Oh, hey, I just had twins, but look, I’m totally back in my pre-first-pregnancy clothes, but poor me, I’m so so skinny.”
Okay, so this is where I’ll admit that I started this post at something o’clock one morning and am finishing at something o’clock in the evening.
My goal in writing this was to say that I’ve got a lot of shit happening.
Some of it I feel like I could talk about and some of it not which leads to general writers’ block for me.
Vague, much?
The point is, if I can’t write about one thing, suddenly I can’t write about ANYTHING.
But I’m going to push past that block by writing every day. Even if there’s nothing to write about and I just post crap.
So get ready for a lot of crap.
But at least I’m blogging again?